José Luis Sánchez-Agustino López

Category: Lawyer and writer
Birth Date: 3rd December 1930
Birth Place: Villagarcía de Arousa (Pontevedra)
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He took a degree in Law and Geography and History at Santiago University and got a diploma at the Technical School. He was assistant manager and general secretary of the bank firm 'Caja de Ahorros de Santiago' and head of the department of social services in 'Caixa Galicia'. He was the president of the Centre of Touristic Initiatives in Arousa and president of 'Club del Mar' in Vilagarcía. He also replaced the public prosecutor of the group of Courts in Cambados and Caldas de Reis. He founded 'Vilagarcía Radio Station' and 'Club Arosa Bay'. He taught oral and written expression at 'Peleteiro' School. Together with Álvaro Cunqueiro, he organised 'García Lago' Floral Games.

 Work & Activities

He published the books Historia, tradiciones y leyendas de la transición apostólica and Poemario de García Lago como recopilación y estudio crítico. He gave lectures on many occasions and collaborated in some ceremonies at 'Casa de Galicia' in Madrid and other places.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He is a member of the Institute of Political Studies and directs the cultural room of 'Caixa Santiago', organising programmes for classic music, painting and theatre. He likes going sailing and reading. All his poems are about to be published and he usually collaborates in press and radio. In 1963, he founded the pilgrims' road on the Arousa and Ulla Sea. He is the president of the foundation with his name and got Galician Medal in 1993.