He took a doctor’s degree in Philology at the University of Santiago de Compostela and works as a teacher of Galician Language and Literature at “Sta Irene” Secondary School in Vigo, where he has been living for thirty years.
Narrative works: “O reverso do espello” (1984), “Para despois do adeus” (1987), “Paixóns privadas” (1991), “A era de Acuario” (1997), “Fado de princesa” (2005) and “A batalla do paraíso triste”.
Essay and Literature History: “Manuel Antonio e a vangarda” (1996), “Xograres do mar de Vigo” (1998), “Historia da literatura medieval galego-portuguesa” (2002) and “Estudos sobre Os Eoas” (2005; together with Manuel Forcadela).
Author editions: “Na noite estrelecida” (1987), “Da Terra asoballada” (1994) and “A esmorga” (2001).
Language manuals: He is the joint author of “Galego século XXI” (2004) and “Manual e exercicios de galego urxente” (2006).
Journalism: He is the editor of “Faro da Cultura” (cultural supplement of Faro de Vigo) and writes a column a week in that same paper (“De Bolina”).
“Xerais” Novel Prize (1987) and “Losada Diéguez” Prize for literary creation (1988).