Manuel María defined Xosé Mª Gómez Vilabella as clever and ingenious in the prologue he made for his book “¿Pódese pasar?”. He studied Primary Education, worked as a teacher for two years and made clogs. He was on the Supreme Council of Military Justice as a typist for three years, which was useful to prepare a competitive banking examination. General Martínez Campos (son), who was at that moment president of the History Academy, gave him the researcher card nº 6, which let him dust bundles of documents in the Public Record Office and write his book “Castroverde. Bosquejo Histórico Geográfico” when he was twenty-one. Since that moment, he did not stop working, studying and publishing. He always studied at night, as an independent student and in the Open University.
When he was twenty-six, he was already director of Banco Exterior de España in Sidi Ifni. He defended the bank during the war (1957/58) and was decorated by the Army. Afterwards, he was assigned to Aaiún, Gijón and A Coruña, where he retired. He also has a fiscal consultant’s office in A Coruña.
“Castroverde”, “Juventud Bancaria”, “Cacería de ciclóstomos en Ifni”, “Historias Intra da Bisbarra Castroverde, Pol e Baleira”, “¿Pódese pasar?”, “De mámoas e talaiots”, “Aqueles mestres”, “As feiras de Castroverde no século XX” and “Se eu mandase, ¡ai daquela!” (This play was first performed by the theatre group of retired people of Pol). He also writes articles for El Progreso, ADIALA (the magazine of the Galician Centre of Mallorca)...
He usually collaborates in “”. In his own blog “”, there are two books about Africa “Ifnada” and “Operación: Cuñada” in Spanish. His publications in Galician can be found in “”. He also gives lectures and speeches.
He likes computing and gardening.