Marina Fernández González

Category: Painter, teacher and educator.
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She works in intercultural groups, social insertion programmes and creativity workshops. She gave a lecture in Guadalajara, Mexico (‘El Arte como Terapia’) and in Strasbourg (‘O Camiño de Santiago’).


 Work & Activities

She is the author of ‘Mulleres influentes na Historia e na Mitoloxía como tema recorrente na Pintura’ and ‘Soedade Como Bandeira de Liberdade no Lenzo’ and is preparing an artistic study on women marginalized according to legends. She paints oil and is an expert in impressionism.

She exhibited his works at the Social Centre of Beade and at ‘Sánchez Cantón’ Secondary School.


 Other Interesting Aspects

Some of her works were donated to private and official institutions. She has a multidisciplinary studio in Soutoxusto (Redondela).