Xesús Pablo González Moreiras


He studied Teaching and Galician-Portuguese Philology at Santiago de Compostela University. From 1971 to 1984, he worked as a teacher in several schools and from 1985 onwards he taught Galician Language and Literature in Secondary Schools. In 1989, he entered the Corps of Education Inspectors and carried out his activity in the province of Lugo. He has been filling several offices in the autonomic Administration since 1996. He was subdirector general of Educational Centres and provincial delegate of the ‘Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria’ in Lugo. He has been director general of Linguistic Policy since July 2000. This institution of the Xunta de Galicia is responsible for promoting the use and normalization of Galician language.

 Work & Activities

Owing to his professional and administrative activity, he wrote and collaborated with several works related to didactics, pedagogy, sociolinguistics and linguistic planning. He has participated as a rapporteur and lecturer in round-table discussions, reports and symposia of important conferences celebrated in Galicia, the rest of Spain and abroad. He is also a member of the Galicia’s Scholar Committee and the advisory committee of the magazines ‘Dorna’ and ‘Revista Galega do Ensino’.