He got his degree in Law at Santiago University and his doctor's degree in 1996. As an assistant lecturer, he taught Administrative Law from 1991 to 1994. From 1994 to 1999, he was a professor in the USA. Since 1999, he has been a Professor of Administrative Law. He filled the following offices: secretary of the department of Public Law and State Theory of Santiago University (1994-1997), secretary in the Technical School at Santiago University (1997-1999), director of the department of Public Law and State Theory (from 1999 up to now), secretary of the Electoral Committee of Santiago University (from 1999 up to now). From 1999, he has been coordinating the doctorate programme of the Department of Public Law. He took part in four research projects, financed by the Xunta de Galicia. He improved his studies at Bologna University.
He published the following monographs:
-El régimen jurídico de la comarca en el sistema autonómico español (CEDECS, Barcelona, 1999).
-La comarca en la historia (Santiago University, Santiago de Compostela, 2000).
He also published over 200 articles about touristic law and wrote several reports for the local administration.
He collaborates in the specialization course about Local Administration, organised by Santiago University in collaboration with the Galician Federation of Municipalities and Provinces.
He is a member of the Central Electoral Meeting in Galicia and collaborator of the radio programme Camiño de Volta in the radio station 'Radio Voz'.