Vicente Peña Saavedra

Category: Research worker and writer
Birth Date: 21th February 1958
Birth Place: San Claudio - Ortigueira (A Coruña)
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He took his degree in Philosophy and Pedagogy in 1980 and his doctor's degree in 1990 at Santiago University. From 1981 to 1983, he enjoyed a grant as research worker. From 1983 up to now, he has been teaching different subjects of historical and educational character. In 1994, he became full Professor of the Department of Education Theory and History at Santiago University. His research works focussed mainly on the educational dimension of transoceanic emigration from the 17th to the 20th century, on education with the Galician rural area and on the pedagogic museums in the world. He also directed several doctoral theses, gave many lectures in national and international meetings and presented several reports in congresses and scientific meetings of his speciality. He got the following prizes: National prize to the best scholarship holders, National prize to the ending of university studies, extraordinary degree prize and extraordinary doctor's degree prize. From 1983 to 1986, he was secretary of the Departments of Systematic Pedagogy and Education Theory and History at Santiago University. From 1991 to 1994, he directed the area of educative documentation and publications at the Institute of Educational Sciences at Santiago University. From 1991 to 1996, he represented the Faculties of Philosophy and Educational Sciences (this one again from 1996 to 2000) in the publications committee of this University. He was a member of the report 'Galician culture abroad' (from 1993 to 1999) and the team of 'Files of Galician Emigrations' (from 1993 to 1999) from the 'Consello da Cultura Galega'. Within this institution, he directed the projects 'Repertorio de la prensa gallega en la emigración' (1998), 'El asociacionismo gallego en el mundo' (1999) and 'Arquitectura escolar de los emigrantes gallegos' (1999). He is a part of the scientific board at 'Ramón Piñeiro' Centre for Research in Humanities, where he directs the project MUPEGA (Galician Pedagogic Museum), designated by the 'Consellería de Educación y Ordenación Universitaria).

 Work & Activities

He has written fourteen books and more than fifty articles about themes of his speciality. Some of his best-known works are: Las Escuelas de Americanos y las Sociedades de Instrucción en Galicia (1991); Éxodo, Organización Comunitaria e Intervención Escolar: la impronta educativa de la emigración transoceánica en Galicia (1991), 2 volumes.; Galicia-América: relacións históricas e retos de futuro (1993); Historia da Educación. Textos comentados (1993); Informe socioeducativo: os galegos da terceira idade en América (1996); Repertorio da prensa galega da emigración (1998) [edition in CD-Rom and printed]; Edición facsimilar e estudio introductorio a La primera luz de Manuel M. Murguía (2000).. He was one of the founders and editors of the magazine 'Estudios Migratorios' (1995-1999), member of the editorial staff of the magazine 'Sarmiento' (Galician yearbook about history of education), member of the editorial staff of the newspaper 'Innovación educativa' and member of the magazine 'Adaxe' about studies and educational experiences. Besides, he collaborated in the exhibition 'Galicia y América: cinco siglos de historia' (1992) and directed the exhibition 'Los centros educativos de los cubanos: memoria gráfica' (Vigo, 1988). He took part in the advisory committee for the exhibition 'Galicia y Australia: viejos amigos' (1999) and made up the team for the documentation and fulfilment of the exhibition 'La educación en Galicia, 1669-1970: textos escolares, escritos pedagógicos y prensa educativa' (1999). He stayed in Cuba, Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico and Brazil for some time in order to develop teaching and research acitivities.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He is a member of the folowing scientific societies: Spanish Society of Pedagogy, Spanish Society of the History of Education (founder), the Association to study exiles and contemporary Iberian Migrations (founder), World Association for Educational Research, International Standing Conference for the History of Education and International Association of Galician Studies (member of the board of directors, 2000-2003).