Sabela Corbelle Barja

Category: Journalist
Birth Date: In 1968
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She graduated in Information Sciences (Journalism) at the Complutense University of Madrid (1991) and got the Pedagogical Certificate of the Institute of Education Sciences, Santiago University (1993). She got the Certificate of French at the Language School of A Coruña (1986) and the Certificates of Galician and English at the Language School of Lugo (1995), the First Certificate in English, Cambridge University (1994) and the Preliminary English Test, Cambridge University (1990). Besides, she attended the following courses and seminars: ‘Nuevas tecnologías e medios de comunicación’, Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) in collaboration with A Coruña University (1995), ‘I Congreso Internacional sobre adquisición e aprendizaxe das linguas segundas e as súas literaturas’, Santiago de Compostela University (1995), ‘Relacións Públicas e Técnicas de Comunicación de la Cámara de Comercio de Lugo’, ‘As novas linguaxes nos medios de comunicación escritos’ (Instituto de Estudios da Comunicación), ‘1º Curso Galego sobre Saúde e Medios de Comunicación’ (1990), ‘Realización e Producción de Vídeo’, County Council (1991), ‘Xornadas de Comunicación Interdepartamental da Xunta de Galicia’ (1991, 1995 and 1997), ‘Curso de vídeo’ (August, 1992) (City Council of Lugo), tale workshop, Lugo (1995), ‘II e V Congreso Galego de Expresión e Arte’ (1991 and 1995), Instituto Lucense de Expresión e Arte, ‘Comunicación e Novas Tecnoloxías’, Menéndez Pelayo International University, ‘Curso Superior de Comunicación Política e Institucional’ (February 1997) (County Council of Lugo), ‘Tratamento Dixital de Imaxes por Ordenador (Photoshop)’(1999), ‘Debuxo Asistido por Ordenador (Freehand)’ (1999), ‘Xornalismo Dixital’, organized by the Parque Tecnolóxico de Galicia and the Xunta de Galicia (2000), ‘Curso de Flash’, Centro Multimedia de Galicia (2000), ‘Creación Audiovisual’ with Photoshop and Adobe Premier, organized by the Centro Multimedia de Galicia (2000), ‘Microsoft PowerPoint’ (2004) and ‘Microsoft Word’ (2004).
As for her labour activity, she worked as an announcer at Radio Lugo (SER), FM, medium wave, news, programmes, the Top 40, sound control and advertising (1985-88). She also collaborated in El Progreso with interviews, reports and supplements (1985-90), in the magazine ‘Galicia’, Madrid (1986), and the EFE Agency (1987). She was delegate of Radio Galega in Lugo and Faro de Vigo (1988-90), worked as an announcer in Antena 3, collaborated in La Voz de Galicia and worked. She also worked as a correspondent of the newspaper Ya (1990-93), collaborated in TeleLugo and editor of El Progreso since May 1993.
She also participated as a rapporteur in a round table of the First European Conference (‘Como comunicar cos mozos do ano 2000?’), organized by the Xunta de Galicia (1997).
Nowadays she is the president of the Press Association of Lugo and did a MA in Cultural Services at the University of Santiago (2008).

 Other Interesting Aspects

She was awarded the ‘Muralla Aberta’ First Journalism Prize, organized by the City Council of Lugo (2007).
She was awarded the Second Journalism Prize organized by Xosé Domínguez Guizán Cultural of Begonte (1991), the second prize of the Story Contest organized by Virxe dos Ollos Grandes Secondary School in May 1984, consolation prize at the ‘Tradución de Poesía do Inglés ó Galego’, Extremadura University (April 1997) and Concepción Arenal Medal 2004.
She has knowledge of Windows, WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, Fotostation, XYWrite, Edbase Explorer, Quark X Press, Dreamweaver, Browse and Edivan, HTML programming language as well as singing of scales and accordion.