Manuel C. Núñez Singala

Category: Philologist and writer
Birth Date: In 1963
Birth Place: Lugo
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He took a degree in Hispanic Philology (Galician-Portuguese Philology) at Santiago de Compostela University and worked as a translator at the Consellería da Presidencia (Xunta de Galicia). Since 1988, he has directed the Linguistic Normalization Service of Santiago de Compostela University. He coordinates the Specialized Language Technical Commission of the Consello da Cultura Galega and is a member of the international committee of the ‘Rede Panlatina de Terminoloxía’.

 Work & Activities

He wrote ‘O achado do castro’ (Sotelo Blanco, 1991), a play that was awarded the Xiria Prize for Theatre Creation (over ten thousand issues were sold and the play was performed in many Galician villages as well as in Madrid, Caracas and México). He also wrote novel (‘Mar de fondo’, Galaxia, 1997) and participated in the following collective books: ‘Minirelatos’ (Lib. Cartabón, 2000) ‘Longa lingua’ (Xerais, 2002) and ‘Sempre Mar’ (Benito Soto Cultural Association, 2003). He also published other stories and poems in several magazines.
He coordinated the following books: ‘A información en galego’, Edicións Lea, Santiago (1996), ‘Mellorando os Servicios’ (two volumes) USC (1997) and ‘O idioma na Universidade de Santiago de Compostela’, USC (1998). He also coordinated a course on Galician language for Galician non speakers (Xunta de Galicia, 2000).

 Other Interesting Aspects

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