Ruth Fernández Fernández

Category: Philologist
Birth Place: Lugo
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She is a teacher of Secondary Education, specialized in Spanish Language and Literature.
She took a degree in Hispanic Philology at Santiago de Compostela University and collaborated in the Spanish Literature, Literature Theory and General Linguistic Department. She also organised academical events such as the ‘II Xornadas Intercampus de Lingüística’ and the International Linguistic Conference on Vocabulary and Grammar. During the academic year 2003-2004, she presented her minor thesis titled A Provincia de Lugo na obra xornalística en castelán de Ánxel Fole and got the best marks. She is in possession of the DEA (Diploma on Advanced Studies) which is a merit for the academic research.

 Work & Activities

Regarding Journalism, she won the the ninth edition of Manuel Reimóndez Portela Journalism Prize for a series of works published about reading promotion.
She usually collaborates in the newspapers La Voz de Galicia and Galicia Hoxe, where she published the work ‘Nadal miúdo', which was awarded the prize of the 37th edition of 'Begonte e o Nadal' Journalism Contest (January 2013). She also got honourable mentions for 'Xuntos no Nadal de Begonte' e 'A viaxe de Iris' at the 28th and 35th editions of this contest. 'Frenético Nadal' was also awarded the second prize at the 32nd edition of 'Begonte e o Nadal' Journalistic Contest (January 2008).
She got an accesit at the First Journalistic Prize about Montefurado (Quiroga, December 2005) for 'Montefurado, o paraíso por descubrir' e 'Viaxe por Quiroga e lembranza de Montefurado'.
She was awarded the second prize at the tenth edition of 'Cartas de Amor Vila de Quiroga' Contest for the text titled 'O azul da miña existencia' (March 2013)
She usually collaborated in the old O Correo Galego, both in the opinion section and the Sunday supplement called Lecer. She has also been collaborating with La Voz de Galicia and El Progreso. She published several articles in these papers such as the special issues of La Voz de Galicia regarding St Froilan Festivities in 2003 and 2004. She also collaborated in the following magazines: ‘Lugoxove’, promoted by the City Council of Lugo, ‘Evohé’, published in the Faculty of Humanities of Lugo, ‘Aquí e agora’ (Xograr Afonso Gómez Secondary School, Sarria) and Faíscas (O Couto Secondary Education, Ourense). She also participated in the first issue of the magazine of the Language of Lugo, Pedra Rosseta.
She also published articles and reviews in ‘Moenia’, the magazine of Santiago de Compostela University (reviews on 'Pedro Salinas: Cartas a Katherine Whitmore. El epistolario secreto del gran poeta del amor' and 'Yunque. Periódico de vanguardia política [Lugo, 1931-1932]' or 'Entrevista a Xosé Luís Axeitos, Secretario da Real Academia Galega', among others). In ‘Unión Libre. Cadernos de vida e culturas’ she published studies like 'A represíón na novelística galega da Guerra Civil', 'Tres vidas truncadas: Carmen Sarille Lenceiro, Manuela Graña Rico e Virginia Meilán Varela. As Mártires de Montecubeiro' (within the Year of Historical Memory) and 'Entrevista a Xosé Luís Bóveda, fillo de Alexandre Bóveda', among others.
She also participated as a literary critic in the ‘Biblioteca 120’ Collection (La Voz de Galicia) with a review on Camilo Gonsar’s work, ‘Cara a Times Square’, which was collected in the book Crítica e autores I, published by La Voz de Galicia.
In La Voz de Galicia she collaborated in advertising features and supplements (from June 2003 to January 2007), she wrote opinion columns and reports (in Lugo edition from August 2003 to September 2006) and participated in the literary pages of 'Relatos de verán' (2000) and in the section 'Sólo parra lectoras (Rincón del lector)' from April to June 2002.
She translated ‘Se ahorcó el Pelirrojito’ into Galician. It is a tale written by Luis Sánchez-Cuñat, honorary consul of Ecuador which was published with the title ‘Aforcouse o Rubiño’ in the magazine ‘Antípodas’ no 16 (Australia).
She wrote 'A provincia de Lugo na obra xornalística en castelán de Ánxel Fole', a research work based on the analysis and compilation of a great deal of press articles by Fole related to the interior and coast of Lugo, going through the mountains, Terra Cha, Val de Quiroga, O Incio and A Mariña. The book was published by the Publication Service of Lugo County Council and presented on 2nd February 2006.
She is also the joint author of Historia do Orfeón Lucense, published by the choral society in collaboration with Lugo County Council, the City Council of Lugo and Xunta de Galicia.

 Other Interesting Aspects

She loves reading, cinema, music, magics and photography. She got an accesit in the XI Photographic Marathon for her work ‘Ollada Cautiva’ (June 2005). Regarding photography, she also got two accesits for works related to Christmas, one of them in the Photographic Marathon organized by the Provincial Museum (2002) and the other one in the third edition of ‘Premio Nadal Cidade de Lugo’ Photographic Contest, promoted by the City Council of Lugo.

She goes on collaborating with Galicia Hoxe since it ended up the paper version and only offers the digital one. She has published different texts in this website.

She was awarded the Short Story Prize of the City Council of Lugo (June 2001) with the text ‘Pegadas na cidade’, the second prize of the Love-letter Contest (2002) and the second prize at the Short Story Contest of the Language School (2003) for her story ‘A saia’.