Pedro Xosé Picos Romero

Pseudonym: Pedro Picos
Category: Actor
Birth Date: 28th March 1975
Birth Place: Narón (A Coruña)
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His theatre training started at A Pombiña Theatre School in Narón (1985-2000) and the Municipal Theatre School in Narón (1992–2002). He also attended several courses: ‘Espada no teatro’ (2000), ‘Iniciación ao Clown’ (2001), ‘Clown’ (2004), ‘Voz’ (2005), ‘Dobraxe’ (2005) and ‘Interpretación’ (2006).

 Work & Activities

He started to work in the following performances at the Municipal Theatre School in Narón: ‘O verde escurecido’ (1996), ‘Escolma de Pezas Curtas’ (1998), ‘Ulises o Grego’ (1999), ‘Nau de Amores’ (2000) and ‘Un soño de verán’ (2001).
He also participated in the following performances at A Pombiña Theatre School: ‘O enfermo imaxinario Grandal’ (1992), ‘O mozo que chegou de lonxe’ (1993), ‘Mentres cocen as lentellas’ (1994), ‘A barca sen pescador’ (1995), ‘O achado do castro’ (1996), ‘Escachos’ (1997) and ‘O paxaro bobo’ (1998).

 Other Interesting Aspects

He worked as a professional actor in ‘Bucanero & EME2, Jánsel e Pónsel’ (2002), ‘Tres Notas’ (2002), ‘Se normal, vota Substancia Bucanera’ (2003) and ‘Por un millón de dólares’ (2005). Regarding TV, he acted in ‘Luar’ (TVG, 2004 and 2005), ‘SuperMartes’ (Galician TV, 2005) and ‘Pepe o Inglés’ (series on Galician TV, 2005). He also worked as a staging technician at the Auditorium in Narón and with ‘Lagarta Lagarta’.