He has been working as a civil servant of the Xunta de Galicia since 2002 (Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Consellería de Medio Rural and Consellería de Presidencia, Xustiza e Administracións Públicas). He feels passion for ancient civilizations, mainly the Roman and Celtic ones. With his first novel, “Las hijas del César”, he was selected among the ten final candidates to the Planeta Novel Prize in 2006 (55th edition). “As fillas do César”, published by Edicións El Andén in May 2008 in several languages, reached the second edition in just a month (June 2008). In December it got the fifth edition and another one in Galician.
He got the recognition of readers, librarians and means of communication as he reached privileged positions on the market. In many Spanish cities he even displaced Carlos Ruiz Zafón. "Con esta novela, Pablo Núñez regalounos unha intensa viaxe pola Galicia dos césares cos ingredientes da mellor novela de aventuras", Marta Rivera de la Cruz (Finalist of the Planeta Novel Prize with “En Tiempo de Prodigios”). “Pablo Núñez vai ser un gran escritor de novelas históricas”, Juan Gómez-Jurado (Winner of Torrevieja Prize in 2008 with “El emblema del Traidor”).
After over six years of research and writing, Pablo Núñez shows in his first novel a surprising ability to recreate history by means of intrigue, passion and adventure. Lucus Augusti is at the same time the scene and character of this story, a particular homage of the author to his native city. In 2010, he wrote his second book, "Ladrones de historias" (two editions)
He usually collaborates in Galician media; nowadays he collaborates in La Voz de Galician and Cadena Ser. He has participated in several collective books: "Mato sono Io" (Manuel María Foundation, 2009), "El Juli, natural(mente)" - (Imagineediciones, 2010) by Cristina Padín Barca, "Se lo dije a la noche. Poemario traducido a todas las lenguas ibéricas" (Ediciones Beta, 2011) coordinated by Juan Carlos García Hoyuelos.
2010: He was awarded Begonte Journalism Prize with his article "Begonte, belén infinito", published in El Progreso and Galicia Dixital.
2011: Accesit with the poem "Sagrado é" ("Premio de Poesía Concello de Paradela")
2012: Second prize at the 37th edition of the National Poetry Contest about Christmas with his book "Natureza galega, berce chairego".
Some headlines:
-“Del autor que se ha revelado como sorpresa literaria, arrasando con una grandísima novela de aventuras”, Al sur de la semana. COPE.
-“La novela que acertó en la diana a la primera con sendos números uno en las Ferias y librerías de Galicia”. CADENA SER. -Romanos, celtas y mucha aventura en “Las hijas del César”. EFE.
-“Un importante zarpazo editorial”, El Correo Gallego.
-“Las hijas del César, récord de ventas”. Woman.
-“Las hijas del César arrasa en las librerías". Xornal.
-“Las hijas del César se impuso como libro más vendido, liderando la Feria del Libro". El Progreso.
-“La obra más vendida en la Feria del Libro de Lugo”. La Voz de Galicia.
Further information in his web page: www.pablonunezgonzalez.com