Miguel Ángel Santos Rego

Category: Professor and writer
Birth Place: Xuño, Porto do Son (A Coruña)
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He is a Professor at Santiago de Compostela University (Faculty of Educational Sciences). His teaching and research activity focusses on the area of Theory and History of Education. He is an expert on Theory of Educational Processes, Education and Motivation, Intercultural Education, Cooperative Learning and Educational Policy of the European Union. He improved his studies at Cambridge University (England) and was a researcher and visitor Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, John Hopkins University (Baltimore), University of Southern Mississippi and Florida International University, all of them in the USA. He filled the following offices: Director of the Open University - A Coruña (1990-92), 'subdirector general de Ordenación Universitaria e Investigación' (1992-94), vice-rector of Santiago de Compostela University (1994-98) and director of the Institute of Educational Sciences of Santiago University (1998-2002). He is also a member of the Galician School Board and the coordinating committee of 'Columbus' Programme for the university relations between Europe and Latin America.

 Work & Activities

He has directed nine research projects and taken part as an assistant researcher in another eight. These are some of his most important books: Teoría y práctica de la educación intercultural (1994); Educational Policy in the European Union after Maastricht (1997); Análise Pedagóxica da Emigración Galega en Europa. Perspectivas no marco da Unión (1997); Educación e Neurociéncia (1998), Interculturalidad y educación para el desarrollo (1999); A pedagoxía dos valores en Galicia (2000); Calidad Educativa y Empleo en Contextos Multiculturales (2000), A Construcción Educativa da Cidade. Unha Perspectiva Transversal (2001) and A Educación Primaria na Comunidade Autónoma de Galicia (2002). He is also the author of other important works such as Strategies for Empirically Evaluating Holistic Teaching (1989), Educación y Cultura de Masas (1996), Sociología del Lenguaje (2000), Intercultural Education in the European Union: the Spanish Case (2001) and O Proxecto A PONTE: A Innovación Educativa en Centros Rurais de Galicia e Norte de Portugal (2002). Besides, he has published eighty scientific works in Spanish and foreign magazines and presented over a hundred reports in national and international conferences. He has published articles in the following magazines: 'Bordón', 'Revista de Ciencias de la Educación', 'Revista de Educación', 'Revista Española de Pedagogía', 'Reading Improvement', 'European Journal of Educacion', 'Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies', 'Teaching & Teacher Education', etc. He gave courses and lectures in Argentina, Belgium, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, United States of America, France, England, Mexico, Perú, Sweden and Switzerland.

 Other Interesting Aspects

In the last years, he promoted the creation of the Prizes to Educational Innovation at Santiago de Compostela University, where he was awarded the gold badge of this institution.