He studied in Lugo and A Coruña and took a degree in Law at Santiago de Compostela University, where he also studied a bit of Philosophy and Arts. He worked as a lawyer in A Coruña, collaborating with the famous lawyer Sebastián Martínez-Risco y Macías. He was one of the vice-presidents of the third section of the First Conference on Galician Law, which was celebrated in A Coruña in 1972 and took part in several public ceremonies organised for divulguing the conclusions of that conference. Since he was very young, he was an active member of the Galician movement. He was the president of 'Mocedade Galeguista' in A Coruña and took an active part in the campaign of the Galician Statute of Autonomy. He collaborated in A Nosa Terra, Resol, La Tarde, Guieiro and La Voz de Galicia. He was a foundation member of ‘Galaxia’ publishing house and president of the board of directors. he was also on the board of directors of the magazine 'Grial', where he collaborated with many essays.
Marino Dónega collected several essays and literary works by Florentino López Cuevillas in a book titled Prosas galegas. He also wrote Escolma posible (an anthology of texts by Castelao), Poesías. Escolma (an anthology of poems by Ramón Cabanillas) and the essays Un home, unha aventura, un tempo: Fernando Osorio de Campo; Descripción, metáfora e memoria en Castelao; O afora e o máis adentro de Luis Seoane; Os espellos de Fermín Penzol; Rafael Dieste ou a loita polo mínimo expresivo; Rosalía no Ano Internacional do Neno; Seoane. Grabados, por Domingo García-Sabell; Carta-Prólogo de Carlos Casares na súa biografía a Ramón Otero Pedrayo; Leria do Ánxel Fole nunha tertulia. Besides, he wrote the prologue for the modern edition of El Idioma Gallego by Antonio de la Iglesia.
He entered the Galician Academy reading the speech Análisis de la novela de Castelao "Os dous de sempre", where he filled the offices of treasurer and secretary. He was a member of the Institute of Galician Language, 'Emilia Pardo Bazán' Museum and 'Ramón Otero Pedrayo' Foundation. He was also a member of 'Penzol' Foundation and secretary of the Patronage of 'Carlos Maside' Museum. In 1978, he was nominated as 'Conselleiro de Cultura' of the Xunta de Galicia. On 26th June 1994, he was awarded ‘Trasalva’ Prize and was an honorary member of the Galician Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation.