Benxamín Casal Vila

Category: Professor, politician and writer
Birth Date: 12nd January 1935 (†30th august 2013)
Birth Place: Lugo


He took his doctor's degree in Agronomy (Madrid) and a degree in Economical Sciences (Santiago de Compostela). He filled the following offices: Provincial director of the Ministry of Agriculture in Lugo (1985-1993), territorial manager of the Cadastre in Lugo (1993-1997), head of the Inspection Unit of the Cadastre in Lugo (from 1997), consultant of the bank firm 'Caixa Galicia' (1969-1978), deputy in the Galician Parliament (1981-1985), vice-president of the Parliamentary Commission to study the integration process of Spain in the EEC (1982-1985), 'conselleiro' of 'Energy Industry and Trade' in the Xunta de Galicia' (1978-1979), Professor at the School of Agricultural Engineering (1968-1972), Professor at the School of Agronomists (1988), Professor in doctorate and post-graduate courses at Santiago de Compostela University (1987-1988), president of the 'Círculo de las Artes' in Lugo (1979-1988) and vice-president of 'Galaxia' publishing house (since 1986). He was the author of more than a hundred technical projects and many articles published in magazines and daily press such as: 'Revista Galega de Estudios Agrarios', 'Desarrollo Agrícola', El Progreso, La Voz de Galicia, El Ideal Gallego,...

 Work & Activities

He also wrote the following books: A incidencia en Galicia do Plan Enerxético Nacional (1978, 'Xunta de Galicia' Publications), Achegamento á Minería Galega (1979, 'Xunta de Galicia' Publications), A Terra Cha Luguesa. Estudio da súa realidade agraria (1984, Seminario de Estudios Galegos), A Galicia rural (1984, 'Galaxia' Publications) and O campo galego (1992, 'O Correo Galego' Publications). He also coordinated and directed the following works: Esquema coordinado de Promoción Industrial (1978, 'Xunta de Galicia' Publications) and O sector cárnico galego (1979, 'Xunta de Galicia' Publications).

 Other Interesting Aspects

He translated into Galician the book by A. Bouhier La Galice, which was published by the 'Consellería de Agricultura' (Xunta de Galicia).