-Researcher at the Galician Biological Mission, Department of Philogenetic Resources, Viticulture Research Group.
-Degree in Biology, USC (1989).
-MA in Viticulture and Enology at the Polytechnical University of Madrid (1991).
-Expert on Sensory Analysis, University of Bordeaux (France).
-MA in SMEs Management, USC (1994).
-Minor thesis: ‘Identificación genética de levaduras del Valle del Salnés responsables de la fermentación espontánea del vino Albariño’.
-Doctor’s degree in Biology, USC (2000).
-Doctoral thesis: ‘Identificación y mejora genética de levaduras de vinificación. Importancia de la sobreexpresión del gen PGU1 en el proceso’.
-Professor of Enology, USC (1994-2004).
-Practice on Michrobiology, USC (1996-1997).
-Direction of Practice on Environmental Michrobiology, Open University (Pontevedra, 2006-2008).
-Professor in the MA in Viticulture and Enology, University of La Rioja (2007-2009).