Doctor’s degree in Geology, specialized in Palaeontology (University of Oviedo). Professor of Palaeontology at the University of A Coruña. Ex director of the Teaching School (University of A Coruña). Member of the constituent staff of the University of A Coruña. Author of many publications about the Paleozoic of the Iberian Peninsula and Ammonoidea. Metaphoric photography: he uses objects and the visual language (photographic metaphor – visual poetry) to express ideas or situations with ironical and humoristic touches with double meaning ideas
Regarding photography, he carried out two seventeen individual exhibitions with metaphoric and visual contents: University of Oviedo (Geology Museum), Alexandre Bóveda Cultural Association in A Coruña, City Council of Culleredo, Casa Charry in Oleiros, University of A Coruña (Faculty of Education Sciences) and "Do Forno" in Lugo. His work was exhibited at the University of Leon and the Campus of Ponferrada. He has also exhibited his works in shopping centres (Vitarte Gallery at Dolce Vita and The Style Outlets in A Coruña and Culleredo) and in the Cultural Centre and Humour Museum of Fene (A Coruña). One of his works is permanently exhibitet at the so-called “Sala Negra” in this museum. ‘Comunicación & Imagen’ published a portfolio with photographies of this author on three occasions. His photographic work has been published in "Siglo21", Boston (USA). He participated in several collective exhibitions in Madrid and participates in a project by Ramón Álvarez with exhibitions in the MACUF in A Coruña and at the University of Leon.
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