Manuel González González

Birth Date: 25th october 1951
Birth Place: Mazaricos (A Coruña)

Real Academia Galega

He is a Professor of Roman Philology in the Faculty of Philology at the University of Santiago and he was vice-dean and filled several offices. From 1988 to 2007, he directed the courses on Galician language and culture for foreign people, organized by the Institute of Galician Language, the Galician Academy and the Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria of the Xunta de Galicia. From 2000 to 2009 he was secretary of the Galician Academy (he entered this institution on 7th February 1992) and directed the sociolinguistics and lexicography seminars until 2011.

He is a member of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans, director of Termigal (Galician Service of technical and scientific terminology), since it was founded, and was president of the AETER (Spanish Association of Terminology) for several years. He is also scientific coordinator of Ramón Piñeiro Centre for Humanities research. He was secretary of the Institute of Galician Language from 1991 to June 1996; president of Puntogal, the association that arranges the application of a Galician linguistic-cultural domain in the Internet; editor of Cadernos de Lingua, published by the Galician Academy; member of the drafting committee of Atlas Linguistique Roma. Manuel González is also on the scientific council of specialized prestigious magazines like Verba (University of Santiago), Journal of Portuguese Linguistics (University of Lisbon), Trabajos de Fonética Experimental (University of Barcelona), Dialectologia ?i fonetica (Bucarest, Romania), Estudos de Lingüística Galega (Santiago), Euskera (Euskaltzaindia, Bilbao), Estudis Romanics (Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona), Lingue e idiomi d'Italia (University of Lecce, Italy), Bollettino dell'Atlante Linguistico Italiano (University of Torino, Italy)...

 Work & Activities

Research and publications:

His research work focuses on dialectology, lexicography, sociolinguistics, language history and phonetics.

Regarding linguistic geography and dialectology, he was joint author of the first five volumes of Atlas Lingüístico Galego, dedicated to verbal morphology, non-verbal morphology, phonetics and lexicon of the weather and the human body. Other seven volumes about lexicon are being prepared at the moment. He also participated in the elaboration of the three published volumes of Atlas Lingüistique Roman (Roma: Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato) and the next volumes.

He is the author of other works like “Atlas prosódico galego”: Jornadas sobre métodos informáticos en el tratamiento de las lenguas ibéricas. Serie Cultura Hispánica 13, 177-179, Tokio – Japan (2008), “Los estudios de dialectología gallega”: Jornadas sobre métodos informáticos en el tratamiento de las lenguas ibéricas. Serie Cultura Hispánica 13, 74-76, Tokio – Japan (2008), “El Atlas Lingüístico Galego, un hito en la historia de la dialectología gallega”, in: Dorta, Josefa (ed.): Temas de dialectología, La Laguna – Tenerife (2007), “El Atlas lingüístico galego: planificación y desarrollo de los trabajos” Esperienze geolinguistiche. Percorsi di ricerca italiani e europei, 11-24, Palermo (2007), “Il mestiere di geolinguista oggi”: Esperienze geolinguistiche. Percorsi di ricerca italiani e europei. Palermo: 2007, 207-´235, “Dialectoloxía e xeografía humana”, in Lingua e territorio, 309-365, Santiago (2006), “Sobre los métodos en la dialectología actual” in Els mètodes en dialectologia: continuitat o alternativa?, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, 93-102, Barcelona (2005), “Nomes xenéricos para designar os apeiros de labranza en galego”, As tebras alumeadas. Estudos filolóxicos ofrecidos en homenaxe a Ramón Lorenzo, 375-390, Santiago (2005), “O Atlas Linguistique Roman (ALiR). Unha visión persoal desde Galicia, A lingua galega: historia e actualidade, 573-602, Santiago (2004), “Os tipos de xugo e os seus nomes no territorio de fala galega”: Boletín da Real Academia Galega 365, 135-170 (2004), “O mallo en Galicia” in Xaquín Lorenzo Fernández (Xocas). Día das Letras Galegas, pages 73-107, Santiago (2004), “A lingua do cantigueiro popular da Limia Baixa” in Congreso sobre Xaquín Lorenzo, pages 25-87, Santiago (2004), “Estudo xeolingüístico dos nomes do vagalume en galego”, Parole romanze. Scritti per Michel Contini, Alessandria (Italy): Edizioni dell’Orso, 177-201 (2003), "Estudio xeolingüístico dos nomes da píntega en galego", in R. Álvarez e D. Vilavedra (coord.): Cinguidos por unha arela común. Homenaxe ó profesor Xesús Alonso Montero, Santiago de Compostela, 455-472 (1999), "Metodología de los atlas lingüísticos" in Nazioarteko Dialectologia Biltzarra/ Congreso Internacional de dialectología, Bilbao, 20-25 October (1991), organized by Euskaltzaindia/ Academy of Basque Language, "Synthèse romane de LUNDI et MARDI" in Actes du Congrès International de l'Atlas Linguarum Europae, celebrated in Saint-Vincent (Valle d'Aosta - Italy) from 5th to 8th June 1989, "Resultados do latín GINGIVA no territorio galego", Verba, 11, pages 65-100 (1984), "O Atlas Lingüístico Galego, un paso adiante nos estudios de Lingüística galega", Grial, 81 (1983), 267-286 and "L'atlas linguistique galicien", Géolinguistique, núm. 3, Université Stendhal, Grenoble III, 16-30 (1987)

Regarding lexicography, he directed Diccionario da Real Academia Galega, (A Coruña, 1997) and nowadays he is directing the new edition of the dictionary of the Academy. He coordinated Diccionario da Lingua Galega of the Galician Academy and the Institute of Galician Language (A Coruña, 1990). Together with Constantino García, he codirected Diccionario Manual da Lingua Galega  (coas súas correspondencias en castelán) (A Coruña: La Voz de Galicia, 1991) and Dicionario castelán-galego da Real Academia Galega (A Coruña: Pedro Barrié de la Maza Foundation, 2005). He is joint author, with A. Santamarina, of Vocabulario ortográfico da lingua galega (A Coruña, RAG, 2004), Diccionario inverso da lingua galega (Santiago: ILG and RAG, 1990) and Léxico de Matemáticas, física e química (Santiago: Xunta de Galicia, 1988). He is the author of Vocabulario de telefonía y comunicaciones móviles castellano-galego, galego-castellano (Madrid: Antonio de Nebrija University/ Airtel Foundation, 1998) and the Galician part of several terminological projects carried out in REALITER and LINMITER: Dicionario panrománico do márketing económico, Lexique panlatin du commerce électronique, Vocabulario multilingüe da Sida, Vocabulario panrománico da bicicleta… He was joint author of Dicionario de bioloxía galego-castelán-inglés, Ramón Piñeiro Centyre (Xunta de Galicia), Santiago de Compostela (2010) and linguistic coordinator of Dicionario xurídico galego, ed. Xerais de Galicia, Vigo (2011). He directed the research team that elaborated Laverca. Diccionario de verbos galegos con voz sintetizada (Vigo: ed. Xerais, 1992), which was awarded the Critic Prize. This work contains a classic dictionary of verbs and a programme of verb conjugation and analysis and it is the first dictionary published in the Iberian Peninsula that incorporates a synthetized voice.

He worked lexicographic books like "A terminoloxía dentro dos estudos de lexicografía galega”, in Mª. D. Sánchez Palomino (ed.): Lexicografía galega e portuguesa. Anexo de Revista de Lexicografía, 13, 9-31 (2010), “O novo dicionario da Real Academia Galega” in E. González; A. Santamarina; X. Varela (eds.): A lexicografía galega moderna. Recursos e perspectivas, 257-28, Santiago (2008); “Neologia de importaçao no português europeu: desafios e medidas a tomar” in Actas do XX Encontro Nacional da Associaçao Portuguesa de Lingüística, Lisbon, pages 33-54 (2005), “L’elaborazione di un nuovo Vocabolario della Real Academia Galega: entrate lessicali e fonti” in Beltrami: La lessicografia storica e i grandi dizionari delle lingue europee, Torino: edizioni dell’Orso (2001), “Dúas décadas de lexicografía galega (1980-2000)” in C. Fernández (coord.): A lingua e a literatura galegas nos alicerces do terceiro rexurdimento (1976-2000) / La llengua i la literatura gallegues als inicis del Tercer Ressorgiment (1976-2000, Terrasa – Barcelona (1999), “A terminoloxia galega, un labor normalizador”, Verba, pages 157-172 (Santiago), "Algunhas tarefas da lexicografía galega" (he read this speech to enter the Galician Academy on 7th February 1992); "Unha mostra do tratamento da homonimia nos diccionarios galegos", Homenaxe a C. García, pages 199-123, University of Santiago (1991); "A estandarización do léxico no galego", Terceiro Congreso da Asociación de Estudios Galegos, City University of New York, 3-5 (October 1991), "Os traballos lexicográficos no Instituto da Lingua Galega" in Actas do XIX Congreso Internacional de Lingüística e Filoloxía Románicas, volume VIII, pages 771-786.

Regarding sociolinguistics and language history, he participated in the elaboration of Bases prá unificación das Normas Lingüísticas do Galego y de las Normas ortográficas e morfolóxicas do idioma galego, published by the Galician Academy and the Institute of Galician Language in 1982. He directed the modification carried out in 1995 and was the president of the commission to reform the orthographic and morphological rules of Galician language that led to the one known as ‘Normativa de consenso’. He was the president of the technical commission that elaborated the Plan de Normalización Lingüística, approved by the Galician Parliament in November 2004. In 1994, he replaced Guillermo Rojo directing ‘Mapa sociolingüístico de Galicia’, supported by the Consellería de Educación (Xunta de Galicia). In that seminar on lexicography, he directed different projects supported by the European Commission as well as the studies “O galego segundo a mocidade” and “Actualización do Mapa sociolingüístico Galego”.

He also wrote “Gallaica lingua: Quo vadis?”, Cadernos de lingua 32, 5-27 (2010), “The Galician Language: An Unfinished Task” in Antonio Raúl de Toro Santos (ed.): Breogán’s Lighthouse. An Anthology of Galician Literature, London: Francis Boutle Publishers, 34-47 (2010), “O novo galego urbano” in Cada palabra pesaba, cada palabra medía. Homenaxe ó profesor  Antón Santamarina, pages 363-374, Santiago (2008), “Algunhas observacións sobre a evolución da lingua inicial en Galicia entre 1992 e 2004” in A mi dizen quantos amigos ey. Estudos filoloxicos en homenaxe a Xosé Luís Couceiro, Santiago, 469-478 (2008), "A defensa da lingua nunha institución centenaria (Galician Academy 2001-2007)” in A patria enteira. Homenaxe a Xosé Ramón Barreiro Fernández, Santiago - A Coruña, 1011-1026 (2008), "La proyección exterior de la lengua gallega”, Enciclopedia del español en el mundo. Madrid: Cervantes Institute, Plaza y Janés, Círculo de Lectores, 441-444 (2006), “A investigación ao servizo da normalización da lingua galega” in Lingua e investigación. II Xornadas sobre Lingua e Usos, A Coruña, 147-163 (2006), “Ramón Piñeiro: o compromiso coa lingua”, Encontro Ramón Piñeiro, Santiago, pages 13-27 (2006), “A visión da ortografía galega de Couceiro Freijomil” in Simposio sobre Antonio Couceiro Freijomil, Santiago, 43-56 (2005), "The draft of measures to improve attitudes towards the Galician language and the extension of its use", Noves SL, Revista de sociolingüística, Barcelona, 1-52 (2003), Actas da VIII Conferencia Internacional de Linguas Minoritarias, Santiago de Compostela (2002), “Que características persoais determinan a percepción dos falantes galegos? Un estudio exploratorio conmatched-guise realizado sobre unha mostra de mozos galegos”, VIII Conferencia Internacional de Linguas Minoritarias, Santiago, 479-488 (2002), "Modernidade e actualidade das ideas lingüísticas do Padre Sarmiento" in Congreso sobre Frei Martín Sarmiento. Santiago, 267-286 (2002), "A lingua galega: situación actual e perspectivas" in Actas das Xornadas de Formación en lingua galega para os equipos de normalización lingüística dos centros educativos, Xunta de Galicia, 15-49 (1994), "El proceso de normativización de la lengua gallega" in Revista de lengua y literatura catalana, gallega y vasca, volume III, UNED, Madrid, 142-150 (1994), "Galegisch: Soziolinguistik / Sociolingüística" en Lexikon der Romanistischen Linguistik, Max Niemeyer Verflag, Tübingen, VI, 2, 46-66 (1992), "A lingua galega na encrucillada. Limiar da sección de lingua" in Actas do Congreso Internacional da Cultura Galega, Xunta de Galicia, Santiago (1991), "Proxección internacional da lingua galega", report presented in Congreso Internacional da Cultura Galega (Language section) organized by the Xunta de Galicia, Santiago (from 22nd to 27th October 1990), Las lenguas románicas españolas tras la constitución de 1978, Granada: ediciones Tat (1988), "A situación do galego no ámbito legal” in Xornadas sobre o galego exterior, Celanova (22nd December 1989). Together with A. Santamarina, he directed ‘Exposición sobre a historia da lingua galega’ inaugurated in September 1988 and travelled around different Galician cities. He is also the author of the catalogue of this exhibition, Xunta de Galicia, Santiago (1988) and "La recuperación del gallego", Revista de Filología Románica, volume III, Complutense University, 101-119 (1985)

He was one of the initiators of the studies on acoustic phonetics in Galicia. Nowadays he focuses his research works in the field of the speech technologies. He also directed the elaboration of the first text-voice converter for Galician language, in collaboration with a group of telecommunication engineers of the University of Vigo.

He is also the author of “Specific features of the Galician language and implications for speech technology development” in Speech Communication (Holland: Elsevier) 50, 874- 887 (2008), editor of Actas del III Congreso Internacional de fonética experimental, Santiago (2007), editor of Actas do III Congreso da Sociedade Española de Acústica Forense, Santiago (2007), “Achega á entoación dunha fala do centro de Galicia”: Géolinguistique. Hors nº 3 (Projet AMPER), Grenoble (France), 87-102 (2005), “Seseo, un término poco adecuado para la descripción de la realidad plurisistemática de la lengua gallega” in Filología y lingüística. Estudios ofrecidos a Antonio Quilis, vol. 1 Madrid-Valladolid, 253-261 (2005), “A síntese de voz en lingua galega: o proxecto Cotovía”, Revista galega do Ensino 44, 199-215 (2004), “El subsistema “arcaico” de las fricativas dentoalveolares del gallego, una reliquia en vías de extinción”, Actas del II Congreso de fonética experimental, Sevilla, 215-219 (2002), "Estudio acústico das vocais galegas" (in collaboration with X. L. Regueira), Actas do XIX Congreso Internacional de Lingüística e Filoloxía Románicas, vol. VI, 141-180 (1994), "O n velar, ¿fonema ou alófono?", Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Galician Studies, Oxford University, 291-308 (1997), "Subsistemas de sibilantes no galego actual", Actes du XVIII Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes, Tome III, Université de Trèves (Trier) 1986, ed. Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1991, pages 531-548.

Regarding didactics of Galician language, he is co-author of Edigal. Galego 1,2,3,4. Primeiro método audiovisual para aprendizaxe da lingua galega , Edigal, Santiago (1985) and the series of books Lingua Galega, 6º, 7º e 8º de EXB and Lingua Galega de 1º e 2º de BUP (Anaya). He is also co-author of the text books of Spanish Language and Literature ‘Lengua 5’ and ‘Lengua 6’ (Anaya)


Text taken from the web of the Galician Academy