Mª Pilar Campo Domínguez

Pseudonym: Marica Campo
Category: Writer
Birth Date: 24th February 1948
Birth Place: Val do Mao, Incio (Lugo)


She started Theology and Philosophy and Arts and graduated in Teaching and Galician at the Language School. She teaches Galician at the Secondary School of Guitiriz (Lugo). She publishes stories and poems in several magazines and collaborates in several teaching and cultural activities for promoting Galician language and literature. She has been writing lyrics for Galician musical groups since the beginning of the new Galician music. Besides, she is the author of a brochure for the opera ‘A Casa’ and several theatre plays. She also made the opening speech in several cultural events and festivities and wrote prologues for several books.

 Work & Activities

She wrote the following works: ‘O premexentes non pode cos paxaros rebezos’ (theatre), Cadernos da Escola Dramática Galega; ‘Confusión de María Balteira’ (theatre), represented by 'Achádego'; ‘Tras as portas do rostro’ (poetry), Baía Edicións, A Coruña (1992); ‘Confusión e morte de María Balteira’ (narrative), Baía Edicións, A Coruña, 1996 (finalist of ‘Premio da Crítica’); ‘Pedinche luz prestada’, (‘Fiz Vergara Vilariño’ First Poetry Prize, 2000), Espiral Maior, A Coruña, 2001; ‘Memoria para Xoana’ (Narrative Prize, Vilalba – Lugo, 2001), Espiral Maior, 2002 and Prize of the Association of Writers in Galician (2002), ‘Crispín do Mao, Crispín do mar’ in the volume ‘Contos’, Dirección Xeral de Política Lingüística (2004), ‘A voda’ in ‘Narradoras’ Xerais, Vigo (2000) and ‘Poemas e contos da muralla’, several authors, City Council of Lugo. Besides, she collaborated with poems and stories in several books and lyrics for ‘Fuxan os Ventos’, ‘A Quenlla’ and other groups.