Manuel González Cerezales

Category: Journalist
Birth Date: In 1909 (†30th january 2005)
Birth Place: Villardeciervos, Verín (Ourense)
 Work & Activities

His professional career started at "Informaciones" (Madrid) and went on at "Faro de Vigo" (Vigo), "España" (Tanger), where he stayed for three years accompanied by his wife Carmen Laforet, and "El Alcázar".
In Madrid he also edited "Misión", which was founded in Galicia by Otero Pedrayo and Vicente Risco. He edited "Vida Mundial". Paco Umbral worked for this magazine when he moved from Leon, where he worked at "La Voz de León" and shared the literary groups in Madrid.
When he was editing "Faro de Vigo" (1961 – 1964), Manuel González and his wife established themselves in Cangas, where they were neighbours of José María Castroviejo and Blanco Cicerón, editor of "El Pueblo Gallego". They all used to visit Verín where they made literary circles with common friends: José María Pereda, correspondent of "Faro", Jesús Taboada, correspondent of "La Región" and Carlos Nieves, correspondent of the EFE Agency.
Manuel González and Carmen Laforet enjoyed their holidays in their country house in Arenas de San Pedro, where Carmen wrote "La mujer nueva". She wrote her novel with profiles of the villages of Valle del Tiétar: Villarejo del Valle, where Rubén Darío had left part of his literary work and San Esteban, the village of St Pedro Bautista, martyr in Japan together with St Francisco Blanco de Tameiron.