Julio Manuel Yebra-Pimentel Blanco

Category: Chemist and politician
Birth Date: 31st august 1954
Birth Place: Losada (Lugo)

He has been Mayor of Carballedo (Lugo) since 1983 and deputy in Lugo from 1983 to 1991.


 Work & Activities

-Senator from October 1989 to January 2000.

-During the fourth session, he was second vice-president of the Health and Social Security Commission and secretary of the Health and Social Matters Commission during the 6th session. He was also a member of the following commissions:

-Health and Social Security Commission (fourth session).

-Rules Commission (fourth session).

-Commission for the Relations with the Ombudsman and the Human Rights (fourth session).
-Autonomy and Territorial Organization Commission (fifth session).

-Health and Social Matters Commission (fifth and sixth sessions).

-Petition Commission (fifth session).

-Mixed Commission for Scientific Research and Technological Development (fifth session).

-Agriculture, Cattle Raising and Fishing Commission (sixth session).

-Work and Social Security Commission (sixth session).

-Special Commission for the Ordination of the Pharmaceutical Service Planning (sixth session).

-Special Commission about Genetic Manipulation for Food Production (sixth session).