José Antonio García Caridad


He entered the judicial Corps in 1953 and after filling different offices, he was nominated as a member of the General Council of the Judicial Power (he filled this office until he retired). He is an expert on Galician Law, specialised in commonable lands. He is a foundation member of the Spanish Institute of Law relative to the ‘fueros’, member of the Seminary of Galician Studies, vice-president of the Consello da Cultura Galega, member of the Commission for the Study and Development of Galician Law (Xunta of Galicia), member of the Galician Civil Law non-standing Committee, member of José Cornide Institute of Studies on A Coruña, honourable member of the Spanish Jurisprudence and Legislation and president of the Galician Arbitration Association. He was elected member of the Galician Jurisprudence and Legislation and president in 1990. Nowadays, he is the president of the Galicia’s Advisory Council.

 Work & Activities

He is the author of many publications and gave several lectures on Galician Law. He organised the Third Conference on Galician Law in 2002.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was awarded San Raimundo de Peñafort Cross, the command of the Order of the Agricultural Merit, Castelao Medal (Xunta de Galicia) and the command of the Order of Alfonso X The Wise King.