Edelmiro López Iglesias

Category: Economist
Birth Date: In 1960
Birth Place: Bilbao
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He took a doctor’s degree in Economical Sciences at Santiago de Compostela University. Since 1984, he has carried out his professional activity in the Applied Economy Department of this University, where he is a Professor. Besides, he has directed the University Institute for the Development of Galicia since 1999. His research works are based on agrarian economy and politics, rural development and regional economy and he has participated in over twenty research projects. He stayed at several Universities and foreign research centres such as the CIRAD and the INRA in Montpellier (France) and Guadalajara University (Mexico). In 1995, he was awarded the second accesit of the Agrarian, Fishing and Alimentary Publications National Prize, organised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing. He wrote several books and many articles in specialized magazines and collective publications. He is on the team that drafts the reports on Galician economy, published by Caixa Galicia Foundation every year. He was also one of the editors of the Agriculture and Rural Development White Book, elaborated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing in 2003. He has been on the board of directors of the Spanish Association of Agrarian Economy since 2001 and was on the editorial staff of Spanish Magazine of Agrarian Economy.

 Work & Activities

These are some of his most important publications:
-LÓPEZ IGLESIAS, E. (1996): Movilidad de la tierra y dinámica de las estructuras agrarias en Galicia, Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing, Madrid.
-LÓPEZ IGLESIAS, E. (1998): ‘El sector agrario en Galicia: alcance y límites de su reestructuración en la última década’, in MOLINA, M., MUÑOZ, C. and RUIZ-MAYA, L.: El sector agrario. Análisis desde las Comunidades Autónomas, Mundi-Prensa/ MAPA, Madrid, pages: 335-369.
-FERNÁNDEZ LEICEAGA, X. and LÓPEZ IGLESIAS, E. (2000): Estrutura Económica de Galiza, Laiovento Publications, Santiago de Compostela.
-LÓPEZ IGLESIAS, E. and ARES, J.J. (2002): Novos escenarios para a economía galega. Reports of the Second Conference on Galician Economy, Santiago de Compostela University Publication Service.
-LÓPEZ IGLESIAS, E. (2003): ‘Desenvolvemento productivo das explotacións galegas e reforma das estructuras agrarias’, en SEMINARIO DE ESTUDIOS GALEGOS: A concentración parcelaria, Publicaciones del Seminario de Estudios Gallegos, Ed. do Castro, A Coruña, pp. 183-212
-LÓPEZ IGLESIAS, E. (2003): ‘Las estructuras agrarias en España: análisis de sus transformaciones en la década de los noventa’, Papeles de Economía Española.