-Degree in Clinical and Social Psychology at Santiago University.-Professor and collaborator at the Institute of Education Sciences at Santiago University.-Course in Clinical and Social Gerontology at the Institute of Human and Social Sciences.-Coordinator of the programme 'A.S.C.E.' in Galicia (Ministry of Culture).-Diploma in Consumption.-Director of different campings and labour camps.-Nowadays she works as technician in culture programmes at Santiago City Council, directs the cultural centre 'Aurelio Aguirre' and coordinates the South area at Santiago de Compostela. -She is president and responsible for the centre 'Alba' (an information centre for women). -She carried out different educational programmes and some others with the Xunta de Galicia (1989-1993).
She was one of the authors of the book Animación grupal, ('Centro de Estudios Xuventude e Sociedade' Publications). She also collaborated with the 'Dirección Xeral de Consumo' (within the 'Consellería de Sanidade') in the research work Hábitos de consumo dos nenos galegos and again with this 'Consellería' and the 'Consellería de Educación' to elaborate the psychopedagogical models in education for consumption at school. She collaborated with the Faculty of Pedagogy in different research works as well. Besides, she gave several lectures about educational and psychological aspects of education. She has made some self-esteem courses for women.