Francisco Oti Ríos

Pseudonym: Paco Oti
Category: Sketcher and graphic humorist
Birth Date: In 1954
Birth Place: Cabanas (A Coruña)
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He is a foundation member of Círculo de Perlío Theatre Group (1974).
He attended courses on theatre (initiation, expression, voice, mime and production) given by Manuel Lourenzo, ‘Les Tafurs’, Juan Mandli, Alfredo Mantovany, ‘Elvio Sciarreta’ and other important people related to theatre. He gave several courses all around Galicia (‘Máscaras, xigantes e cabezóns’, ‘Cursos de iniciación ó teatro’ and 'Cursos de plástica parateatral’). He collaborated as an expert in scenic and musical arts in several activities and shows related to theatre all around Galicia. He was the vice-president of the Athenaeum of Ferrol, being responsible for the theatre and plastic art programmes for four years, expert in theatre in the Xunta de Galicia (he organised shows for different Galician villages) and chief producer of the Centro Dramático Galego (this institution produced and distributed 34 plays during a period of 13 years). He graduated in Theatre, Video and Plastic Arts at the Escola de Estiu de Animació Sociocultural Interacció-84 (Barcelona) and collaborated at the First Galician Conference on Social and Cultural Animation (Santiago). He also collaborated at the ‘Escola de Imaxe e Son de Galicia’ (A Coruña), in the newspaper ‘Educación en Galicia’, in the magazines ‘Cuadernos de Pedagogía’ and ‘Revista Galega de Teatro’, ‘1º Congreso do Humor’, Carlos Maside Museum (Sada), ‘Xove Orquestra de Galicia’ and ‘Encontros de humoristas gráficos de Galicia e Portugal’ (Salvaterra do Miño).

 Work & Activities

He worked at the following plays: ‘Circo de tiza caucasián’, ‘Un lóstrego na noite’ ‘A Mosca’ (mime), ‘O Retrato’ (mime), ‘O Paxaro (mime)’, ‘O robot (mime). ‘D. Xoán. Unha Voz’, ‘Il maestro di capella’ (narrator)’, ‘O segredo da illa Troneira’ (director), ‘O Coronel’ (scenographer), ‘Historia do soldado (scenographer and wardrobe master), ‘O Marisacal’, ‘Os aprendices de bruxo’, ‘Os outros feirantes’, ‘Publicidad expres’, ‘O bufón del Rei’ (direction assistant), ‘Marcado polo tipex’ (Galician version), ‘O colaborador’ (scenographer), ‘O colaborador’ (scenographer), ‘Ensalada de mosquito’ (scenographer) and ‘Ricardo III’ (scenographer).

Books of artists
‘San Andreses’ Book’, Metronom Gallery (Barcelona), with Alberte Permuy, ‘Salvemos Venecia’, La Roggia Gallery, Venecia (Italy) and ‘Libros de Artista’, Institute of Cultural Integration, Medellín (Colombia).

-1983: Drawings and Mail-art; ‘Expo-Eume 83’, Torreón dos Andrade (Pontedeume) and Seventh Art Biennial (Mail-art), County Council of Pontevedra (Pontevedra).
-1984: Comic Strip Painting and Mail-Art; ‘Arte-fene’, Fene (A Coruña); ‘Gruidart Fenicio’, Pub Druida (Fene); ‘Máscaras’, Pub Druida (Fene) and A.C. Olmo (Pontedeume); ’Chorradas’, Athenaeum (Ferrol); Mail-Art, Atlantis Köln (Germany); ‘Born to survive’, Aerogramme Mail-Art Project, Het Toreke Museum, Tienen (Belgium).
-1985. Comic Strip, Humour Museum, collective exhibition for the funds of the Museum (Fene).
-2002. Banda Deseñada, ‘Unha retrospectiva’, Teatro Principal (A Estrada); Comic Strip in the Internet (first prize), Consello da Cultura Galega and ‘Bd Banda’.
-2003. ‘Humor cru’, Humour Museum, (Fene), Cómic Casa da Cultura (O Barco de Valdeorras), O,f (Oti, francisco) and Café Bar Marfil (A Coruña).
-2004. Comic and drawings, Athenaeum (Ferrol).

As a graphic designer, he has made posters, catalogues, and brochures for the City Councils of Fene, Ferrol, Ares, Narón, Neda, Valdoviño and O Barco, Xunta de Galicia (Dirección Xeral de Cultura), Athenaeum of Ferrol, ‘Centro Dramático Galego’, El Correo Gallego, ‘Federación de Cineclubes de Galicia’, ‘Mostra de Teatro Infantil Galego’, ‘Xeración Nós’, etc…

He collaborated in the following publications: ‘Teima’, ‘Can sen dono’, ‘As Roladas’, ‘Guía Turística da Comarca Eumesa’ (CIT) and ‘Revista galega de cómic BD Banda’, among others.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was awarded ‘Tarasca’ Prize (‘Asociación de Directores de Escena) (1993) and was nominated for ‘María Casares’ Prize in 2003 to the best scenography for ‘O colaborador’. He also participated in the First Comic Exhibition in Ferrol, ‘Roi Xordo’ Cultural Association (Ferrol) with Xaquín Marín and Alberte Permuy.