He took a degree in Galician and Portuguese Philology at the University of Santiago de Compostela and attended higher degree courses on Children’s Literature in the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Cuenca. He was on the editorial staff of Diario 16 de Galicia, where he coordinated the culture section. In 1996, he presented a short programme dedicated to books on Vigo’s local TV. In the early 90’s, he founded with other writers a publishing project called ‘Edicións do Dragón’. Shortly after, he joined the edition world. He has been working in Edicións Xerais de Galicia since 1992, first coordinating editions and as subdirector for the general edition since the year 2000. He created and edited the poetry collection ‘Ablativo Absoluto’ and nowadays directs the collection ‘Abismos’. As a writer, he published over a dozen books and was awarded several literary prizes. Nowadays, he usually collaborates in the newspaper La Voz de Galicia and the weekly paper A Nosa Terra.
His literary work comprises fiction, poetry, journalism and children’s literature. He was awarded ‘Blanco Amor’ Novel Prize, Rañolas Children’s Literature Prize for the best books of the year, ‘Losada Diéguez’ Literary Creation Prize and the distinction White Ravens 2003 in the Internationale Jugendbibliothek of Munich. He published Tráiler (1991), Cemiterio de elefantes (1994), Silencio (1995), O brillo dos elefantes (1999) and Males de cabeza (2001), the poetry books Persianas, pedramol e outros nervios (1992), Tortillas para os obreiros (1996), Cidades (1997) and Subversións (2001) and the mixed book A lúa no probador (1992). As a journalist, he published Territorio ocupado (1998), a journalistic literature chronicle about the Saharan conflict. His books Cidades, O brillo dos elefantes and A casa da duna (2002) were published in collections for children and youth. His work was also translated on several occasions and is collected in several anthologies, magazines and collective books.
He participated in many cultural events and activities in Galicia and abroad, giving speeches and lectures. He is a member of the Galician Pen Club, the Association of Writers in Galician Language and the Galician Association of the Book for Children and Youth. He is keen on new technologies and has a page in the net (http://cabrafanada.blogspot.com). He also loves travelling and collaborated in several projects of the Galician Association for helping the Sahara, ‘Acción contra el Hambre’, ‘Educadores por la Paz’, ‘COSAL’, International Amnisty, Galician Cooperation and Solidarity Fund and NGO Galician Coordinator. He is a member of ‘IGADI’ and foundation member of the Galician Observatory for the West Sahara.