He took a degree in Biology in 1975 and presented the minor thesis Variabilidad bioquímica y de crecimiento del mejillón "Mytilus galloprovincialis" cultivado en batea. In 1993, he took his doctor's degree in Biology with the doctoral thesis Análisis del crecimiento en batea de "Mytilus galloprovincialis" Lmk. Mediante modelos multivariantes e inteligencia artificial. He has been working in Vilagarcía de Arousa at the delegation of the 'Consellería de Pesca, Marisqueo e Acuicultura' (Xunta de Galicia). As a Professor, he collaborated in the doctorate programme 'Biología Marina y Acuicultura' (Marine Biology and Aquiculture) at A Coruña, Santiago and Vigo Universities. Since 1968, he has collaborated in different activities in the Faculty of Sciences at Santiago University and took part in several research projects.
He wrote the following books: Anfibios gallegos, Prácticas de Botánica para alumnos de EGB, BUP y COU (in collaboration with Manuel A. Porta Carracedo and María del Carmen Porta Vila), El Sector Mejillonero Español, Capacidad de polígonos de viveros flotantes and Análisis químico de minerales . In collaboration with other writers, he wrote the articles 'Composición bioquímica y crecimiento del mejillón 'Mytilus galloprovincialis' cultivado en batea'; 'Cinética de consumo de oxígeno en el mejillón 'Mytilus galloprovincialis'; 'Cultivo masivo de la microalga marina 'Dunaliella tertiolecta' con cloruro amónico como fuente de nitrógeno: composición de proteínas, carbohidratos, clorofila A y RNA' and 'Comentarios sobre producción, depuración y control de mejillón en España'. Besides, he attended many conferences and scientific meetings and gave many courses and lectures.
He is a member of the Spanish Association of Scientists, the Spanish Association of Scientists and Food Technologists, the Spanish Association of multiple sclerosis, the Association of old pupils of Santiago de Compostela University, the Association of Biologists, the European Aquiculture Society and 'O Tarabelo' cultural association. In July 1989, he got the distinction 'Gallego del mes' awarded by the newspaper El Correo Gallego. In 1989, he was finalist at the Prizes of Scientific Investigation, organised by El Correo Gallego and sponsored by Coca-Cola. He usually collaborates in the radio station 'Radio de Arousa' with matters related to the sea. Since 1991, he has collaborated in the programme of Galician Radio and TV titled Fin de semana. In 1996, he was awarded the gold badge of the Spanish Association of Multiple Sclerosis.