Federico Miraz Fernández

Category: Journalist, lawyer and teacher
Birth Date: In 1922 (†In 2005)
Birth Place: Ferrol (A Coruña)

After studying at the School of Journalism, he started his professional career in Faro de Vigo and Voluntad (Gijón). In 1955 he became editor of Proa and Hoja del Lunes (León) until 1961 that he moved to Gijón to edit Voluntad and then Córdoba, where he edited Córdoba until he retired. He died in this city in 2005.
Federico Miraz founded and directed the radio station La Voz de León and collaborated with the poet Luis López Anglada and his friend Joaquín Nieves.
He was the president of the Asociación de la Prensa Leonesa and vicepresident of the National Federation of the Press Associations of Spain. During his stage in León he incorporated Paco Umbral and Luis del Olmo in the radio station. Luis del Olmo was already correspondent of Proa in Ponferrada.
He counted on a team of professional reporters such as Carmelo Hernández Moros ("Lamparilla"), Ricardo Aller Pavia, Ricardo Gavilanes Cubero, Restitututo Clerigo Santamaría, Manuel Valdés Marco and new journalists like Ángel Ríos Suárez, Óscar dos Santos Vaquiñas, Joaquín Nieves López and Francisco Pérez.
His linking to Galicia made him travel frequently to Ferrol, Vigo, Verín and A Coruña.