Félix Villares Mouteira

Category: Priest, teacher and writer
Birth Date: 24th March 1947
Birth Place: San Martiño de Belesar - Vilalba (Lugo)


While he was a small child, he studied at 'San Martiño de Belesar' School in Vilalba (Lugo). As he was eleven, in 1958, he was admitted to the Seminary in Mondoñedo, where he studied Latin for two years. He also studied Humanities for two years at the Monastery of Vilanova de Lourenzá (Lugo). In 1960 and 1961, he studied again in Mondoñedo and took the third, fourth and fifth course of Latin and Humanities; first, second and third course of Philosophy and first of Theology. In 1967, he moved to Salamanca, where he studied Theology and took his degree in 1971. In Salamanca he carried out an important cultural activity among all the Galician people that lived there. Miguel Anxo Arauxo Iglesias, who was bishop of Mondoñedo-Ferrol at that moment, ordained him as priest. The whole celebration was fulfilled in Galician language. On 28th September 1971 he became a teacher at the Minor Seminary in Mondoñedo, being the first Galician language teacher in this centre. On 22th August 1988, he was nominated as rector of the Minor Seminary 'St Catalina' in Mondoñedo until 1st September 1999. It was then that he became vicar-general of Mondoñedo-Ferrol Bishopric until June 2006. Today he is responsible for the Diocesan Archive of Mondoñedo-Ferrol Bishopric.

 Work & Activities

In 1963, while he was studying Philosophy at the Seminary in Mondoñedo, he created the magazine 'Trapecio', together with other partners, and he started to publish articles in Galician language. During the period he spent in Salamanca, he carried out an important cultural activity promoting the Mass celebration in Galician language, book exhibitions, lectures, poetry reading, the publication of the magazine 'Anduriña'... When he was already working at the Seminary in Mondoñedo, he carried out a great cultural activity and sport promotion at school throughout the coast of Lugo. In April 1982, he created the monthly school magazine 'Amencer'; 170 issues have already come out. When he was nominated as rector of the Minor Seminary, he opened the doors to people of Mondoñedo and people all over Galicia that dealt with culture. Being rector of the Seminary, the building has been restored. He published ‘Os poetas do Seminario de Mondoñedo’, prologued by Xesús Alonso Montero, County Council of Lugo (1977), ‘Xosé Crecente Vega’, Toxosoutos, Noia (2001) and ‘San Martiño de Belesar: Memoria e futuro’, Santiago (2005). Besides, he coordinated the book ‘A Carón do lume’, Citania, Lugo (1999) and collaborated in the collective book ‘Galicia, ano 70’, Celta, Lugo (1971), in the book ‘Cinguidos por unha arela común’ (Homage to Profesor Xesús Alonso Montero), Santiago University (2000) and in four biographies (‘D. Misael Prieto García, o defensor dos pobres’; ‘Don Xosé María Goás Ferreiro, un pastor asceta e penitente’; ‘D. Luis Villarino Couto, un referente de amor a Deus nos demais’ and ‘Sor María Luisa del Sagrado Corazón, unha muller de Deus’) for the collective book coordinated by Segundo Pérez López, ‘Testigos de la fe ne la Diócesis de Mondoñedo-Ferrol’, Santiago (2003). He also collaborated in the magazines 'Encrucillada', 'Amencer', 'A Croa' and in the newspapers La Voz de Galicia, El Ideal Gallego and El Progreso. He made programs with his pupils of the Seminary in radio stations such as 'Radio Popular' in Lugo, 'Radio Galega' and 'Cadena Ser'. From 1980 to 1988, he worked in Mondoñedo as correspondent of the newspapers El Ideal Gallego, the radio station 'Radio Popular' and the EFE Agency. He gave lectures dealing with themes about Galician culture and liturgy in Galician language in villages such as Mondoñedo, Vilalba, Foz, Viveiro, Ribadeo, Castro de Rei...

 Other Interesting Aspects

On 30th October 1999, he was paid a popular homage in Mondoñedo for his work at the head of the Seminary.