Francisco Díaz-Fierros Viqueira

Birth Date: 4th july 1941
Birth Place: Vilagarcía de Arousa (Pontevedra)
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He took a doctor’s degree in Pharmacy at the University of Santiago in 1967. He was an assistant Professor of Edafology at the University of Santiago (1970-1987), Professor of Edafology and Agricultural Chemistry at the University of Santiago (1987), Professor in the faculties of Pharmacy, Biology and the Environmental Engineering, Geology, Edafology and Atmospheric and Hydric Medium School. He was also a Professor of the third cycle at the following universities: Santiago, A Coruña, Oviedo, Granada, Valencia, Lérida, Alicante, Madrid, Barcelona and Menéndez y Pelayo University (Pontevedra, Santander, Valencia and Barcelona). He directed 28 minor theses and 20 doctorate theses.

 Work & Activities

He wrote the following books: ‘Contribución a la climatología de Galicia’ (USC, Santiago, 1971), ‘Los Gallegos’ (Istmo, Madrid, 1975), ‘As especies forestais e os solos de Galicia’ (Semanario de Estudios Galegos, O Castro, 1982), ‘Capacidad Productiva de los suelos de Galicia. Mapa 1:200.000’ (University of Santiago, 1984), ‘Suelos Naturales de Cantabria’ (C.S.I.C. Madrid), ‘La construcción del paisaje: Megalitismo y Ecología. Sierra del Barbanza’ (Xunta de Galicia, Santiago, 1986), ‘La Naturaleza en Galicia. INCAFO-REPSOL’ (Madrid, 1988), ‘Os solos da Terra Cha. Tipos, xénese e usos’ (County Council of Lugo, 1992), ‘As concas fluviais de Galicia. Características e riscos de contaminación difusa’ (University of Santiago, 1993), ‘O Medio Ambiente: Do control de emisións a incerteza do risco’ (Galician Academy of Pharmacy, Santiago, 2000), ‘Un ensaio sobre a historia ecolóxica de Galicia’ (Galician Academy, A Coruña, 2002) and ‘A cuestión ambiental en Galicia. Raíces dunha nova cultura (1750-1972)’ (Galaxia, 2006). He coordinated eighteen books related to nature and is the author of 49 chapters of books, 23 collaborations in the Galician Encyclopaedia (2004-2006), seven introductory studies, 20 prologues for books, 202 articles in national magazines, 75 articles in international magazines, 14 reports to national conferences, 52 reports to international conferences and was responsible for 30 research projects. His work lines focus on the physical properties of the soil, soil cartography, productive capability of soils, degradation processes on soil quality, soil erosion, agrarian activities and water quality, science history in Galicia and science, technique and society.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He enjoyed scholarships from ‘Juan March’ Foundation (1968) and ‘Barrié de la Maza’ Foundation (1973). He was a member of the editorial staff of ‘Revista Galega de Estudios Agrarios’ (Xunta de Galicia, 1979-83) and ‘Trabajos Compostelanos de Biología’ (University of Santiago 1976-79), of the scientific committee of ‘Suelo y Planta’ (CSIC, 1990-95), of the ‘Council of the European Soil Conservation’ (1990-94) and since 1983, he has been a member of the ‘Consello da Cultura Galega’. 1977-80: Editor of ‘BRAÑA’, bulletin of the Galician Society of Natural History. 1975-80: President of the Galician Society of Natural History (1975-80). 1980-up to date: President of the board of directors of the ‘Seminario de Estudios Galegos’. 1992-up to date: Director of ‘Aniceto Charro’ Pharmacy Museum. 1990-94: President of the first section (Soil Physics) of the Spanish Society of the Soil Science. 1992: Member of the National Pharmacy Academy. 1994-98: Director of the Institute of Research and Food Analyses (University of Santiago). 2000: Member of the Galician Pharmacy Academy and member of the Galician Academy. 2002: Vice-president of the ‘Consello da Cultura Galega’ (2002). He was awarded “Fray Bernardino de Sahagún” Prize for scientific Works about León (County Council of León, 1972), “Federico Maciñeira” Prize (County Council of A Coruña, 1978), Research Prize (County Council of Pontevedra, 1980), “Galicia” (University of Santiago, 1982) and ‘Premio de la Crítica de Galicia’ (Research) (1997).