He took a degree in Information Sciences at 'Complutense' University (Madrid) and a diploma in Audio-visual Means. He started his professional activity in the newspaper El Progreso (Lugo), becoming editor in chief and assistant manager. He was a correspondent of the newspaper El País for twelve years, although he also collaborated in the radio station 'Radio Lugo-Cadena SER', in the newspaper 'Pueblo' and the magazine 'Cambio 16'. In 1994, he entered the company 'Grupo Voz' as provincial delegate in Lugo. He was the director and announcer of the gathering in the radio station 'Radio Voz' titled 'Camiño de Volta', the only current political gathering in the Galician radio. In 1999, he was nominated as editor of the newspaper La Voz de Galicia. Nowadays, he is the director of Editorial Projects in the company 'Grupo Voz'.
He has published the books Cien años and La memoria ajena. He has given lectures and collaborated in newspapers, seminars and conferences about communication in Spain and abroad.
He created the Communication Office of the Chamber of Commerce in Lugo and edited the magazine 'Cámara'. He is a member of the communication report of the institution 'Consello da Cultura Galega'.