He spent the first years of his childhood in Erbedeiro, where he engraved in his mind all the people's worries, which he would later reflect in his books. He studied Teaching and worked as teacher in small villages in Galicia and Asturias. This made him draw his attention to the most varied customs and manners, which enriched his experiences about people. After having devoted himself to teaching for almost forty years, he is retired nowadays.
Some of his most important books are: Un fachico de contos (Zero, ZYX, 1980). Contos para engaiolar (Autor, 1984). As bolboretas brancas (Ir Indo, 1989); he got one of the 'Barco de Vapor' prizes (fifth contest). Contos da Baiuca (Autor, 1995). As botas de Zapeto (Sotelo Blanco, 1992). A cultura tradicional do pan. He also made works about Ethnography and got the 'Museo de Pontevedra' prize on six occasions. He also gave lectures at different schools on the 'Día das Letras Galegas' (Day of the Galician Letters) and organized programmes of reading awakening.