Elena Quiroga de Abarca

Category: Writer
Birth Date: 26th October 1921 (†3rd October 1995)
Birth Place: Santander

She spent part of her childhood in Galicia, finishing her Secondary Education in Rome. In 1938, she returned to Ourense, moving later to Barcelona and A Coruña in 1942.

 Work & Activities

In 1948, she published her first novel La soledad sonora, published by the County Council of A Coruña. Her great success came with the book Viento del Norte ('Nadal' Prize). After this novel she wrote: La sangre, La otra ciudad, Trayecto uno and Algo pasa en la calle. After moving to Madrid, she kept on writing and published: La enferma, Plácida la joven, La última corrida, Tristura, which was the beginning of a trilogy that continued with Escribo tu nombre and Grandes soledades, which was left unfinished to her death. Her last novel was Presente profundo, which was rewarded with 'Nadal' Prize and 'Criticism' Prize.

 Other Interesting Aspects

In 1983, she filled the 'a' armchair in the Spanish Academy with the speech Presencia y ausencia de Álvaro Cúnqueiro. In 1990, the 'Xunta de Galicia' granted her Castelao's medal for her literary work and her dedication to Galicia.