Cipriano Luis Jiménez Casas

Pseudonym: Cipri
Category: Psychiatrist and writer
Birth Date: 5th February 1941
Birth Place: Pontevedra
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- Degree in Medicine and Surgery at Santiago University in 1996. - Specialization in Psychiatry at Madrid University. - Psychiatrist at the Psychiatric Hospital in Leganés, Madrid. - Psychiatrist at d'Yverdon Hospital (Vaud- Switzerland) and Bel-Air Hospital (Geneva - Switzerland). - Psychoanalist of the Association of Special Psychoanalitic Psychotherapy. - Director of the centre of special education 'Menela' (Vigo) and the foundation of the same name. - President and founder of AGATAPI (Galician Association of Autism Therapists). - Vicepresident of 'Autismo Galicia' (Autism Galician Federation). - President of the Foundation ECUMENE. - Vocal of the Foundation of Galician Bibliophiles (Pontevedra). - Founder and vocal of the Foundation 'Sálvora' (Vigo). - Member of 'Autismo España' (Autism Spanish Federation). - Founder of the library of Freudian Studies 'Oscar Masotta' (Vigo). - Ex-vice-president of FADEP (Federation for the Handicapped of Pontevedra). - President of Autismo Galicia.

 Work & Activities

These are some of the books he published: Control de Natalidade. Métodos anticonceptivos - Ed. do Rueiro, Coruña, 1977 As voces de mármore. Autismo e Psicoses Infantís en Galicia - Ed. Xerais universitaria, Vigo,1987. Recursos e prioridades no campo das minusvalías psíquicas na comarca da Estrada. (Diputación de Pontevedra 1993) O vínculo mai - filho e a saúde mental. (Galiza-Editora, Ourense, 1982) Diálogos sobre clínica de la infancia (Edic. Paradiso - Barcelona, 1984) La Contención (XVII Congreso da Asoc. Esp. de Neuropsiquiatría. Madrid, 1990) El autismo 50 años después de Kanner. (Actas VII Congreso, Salamanca, 1993) La esperanza no es un sueño (Escuela libre Editorial - Madrid, 1998) José Martí en Galicia compilation by Cipriano Luis Jiménez from Galician-Cuban Congress (Homage to José Martí), organised by Francisco Villamil Association of Galician-Cuban Friendship, (Obradoiro Gráfico A Nosa Terra. Vigo, 1993). He also published articles in the magazine ?Cadernos? and ?Arapi? Association pour la recherche sur l?autisme. He is the editor of the magazine 'Maremagnum'. He also writes some articles for the newspapers Faro de Vigo, A Nosa Terra and Bulletin D'informatión scientifique Universite de Mons-Hainaut.

 Other Interesting Aspects

Director of the European projects Horizon III. Secretary of Menela Fundation, which promotes Castro Navas Centre for autistic people.