Xosé Luis Axeitos Agrelo

Birth Date: 1st january 1945
Birth Place: Asados (A Coruña)

Real Academia Galega

He studied Philosophy in Santiago de Compostela and took a degree in Romance Philology at the University of Salamanca. He was a Professor of Spanish language and literature.

He has been a member of the Galician Academy since 30th October 2004. He read a speech titled ‘A Academia no discurso exílico de Luís Seoane’, which was replied by Xesús Alonso Montero in the name of the institution. He was president of the Galician Academy from 13th March to 20th April 2013, secretary from 23rd January to 13th March 2013 and librarian from 17th December 2005 to 18th December 2009).

 Work & Activities

He published the following books: As coplas galegas do P. Sarmiento, Ediciós do Castro, 1982 (reedition, 2002); Cartas del Padre Sobreira a Gómez de Ortega y Cornide, in collaboration with J. L.Pensado, Ediciós do Castro (1983); Antoloxía da poesía galega erótica e amatoria, Ediciós do Castro (1988); Descripción circunstanciada de la costa de Galicia..., Ediciós do Castro (1991); Manuel Antonio, Poesía galega completa, Sotelo Blanco (1992); A poética de Manuel Antonio, Edicións do Cumio (1993); Luís Seoane e o libro galego na Arxentina, catalogue of the exhibition, A Coruña County Council (1994); Rafael Dieste, Obra galega completa, Galaxia (1995); Rafael Dieste. Ollar o mundo con sede adiviñadora, Espiral Maior Didáctica (1995); Rafael Dieste, Obras Completas V. Epistolario, Ediciós do Castro (1995); E. Fernández Sendón "Fersen". Memoria e antoloxía dun republicano galego, (in collaboration with Uxío Bobillo), Ediciós do Castro, (1996); Manuel Antonio, A Nosa Memoria, Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela (2000); Manuel Murguía. Vida e obra (in collaboration with X. R. Barreiro Fernández), Xerais, Vigo (2000); Lorenzo Varela, Poesía Completa, Biblioteca del exilio, Ediciós do Castro (2000); Lorenzo Varela, Ensayos, conferencias y otros escritos, Biblioteca del exilio, Ediciós do Castro (2001); Cartas a Murguía I, (in collaboration with X. R. Barreiro Fernández), Barrié de la Maza Foundation (2003) and O exilio galego: un mapa de cicatrices, Ediciós do Castro, Sada (2003).

He published a lot of articles in Boletín Galego de Literatura, Ínsula, Verba, A Trabe de Ouro, Grila, Zurgai, Citania, Serta...


Information taken from the web of the Galician Academy: www.realacademiagalega.org