César Augusto Cisneros Luces

Category: Journalist and writer
Birth Date: 22nd September 1849 (†4th January 1879)
Birth Place: Muros (A Coruña)

When he was only thirteen he emigrated to Havana, where he began to work as an assistant in a shop. He soon began to publish sections of local news in the newspaper ‘Diario de la Marina’ of Havana, entering the editorial staff when he became a journalist. After getting ill, he returned to Galicia in 1868 and began to teach general instruction at the Naval School of Ferrol. In 1873 he embarked to Montevideo, where he founded the newspaper ‘La Carta Blanca’ and attacked the dictator Lorenzo Latorre, which made him flee to Buenos Aires in 1877. In Buenos Aires he collaborated with the newspaper ‘El Correo Español’ and created the first Galician newspaper in America called ‘El Gallego’. Afterwards, he moved to Montevideo again, where he collaborated in ‘El Pampero’, ‘La Unión Gallega’, ‘Montevideo Noticioso’ and ‘El Gallego de Montevideo’.

 Work & Activities

In addition to his journalistic activity, Cesar Cisneros wrote the book La insurrección de Ferrol, in which he narrated the events of the Republican revolt on 11th October 1872, which made him go to prison. He also cultivated poetry, being ‘Na Ausencia’ one of his best-known poems.