Celestino Fernández de la Vega y Pardo

Category: Lawyer and essayist
Birth Date: 23rd September 1914 (†† In 1986)
Birth Place: Friol (Lugo)

He studied Secondary Education in Lugo and Law at the Universities of Santiago de Compostela and Madrid, taking his degree in the last one. When he was young, he published some articles in the newspaper El Progreso (Lugo). After the Civil War, he entered the Corps of the State Administration and established himself in Lugo. He learnt German to study Heidegger and Rilke. He was delegate of the Artistic Heritage in Lugo. He worked in the Administrative Law and translated several works of the contemporary administrative science into Castilian such as Patriotas de Organización; Reforma administrativa y ciencia de la Administración; La Administración reguladora de la economía; Sociedad industrial y Administración pública and Administración autónoma de la economía.

 Work & Activities

He is considered as one of the most important Galician essayists. His work O segredo do humor is one of the most complete studies on humour. He also wrote about culture, communication, the Galician personality of Valle-Inclán, Rosalía's poetry, Luis Pimentel's poetry... These are some of his most important essays: Cultura y comunicación; Perfil galego de Valle-Inclán; Galicia emigrante; Campanas de Bastabales; Abrente e solpor da paisaaxe; A voz de don Ramón; Vida e poesía de Luis Pimentel; Braque, pintor de lo nunca visto; Sobre la persona y la obra de García-Sabell... He also wrote Cancionero da poesía céltiga, Da esencia da verdade and the tale El abrigo de pieles.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He enjoyed a scholarship and got two diplomas at 'Peter Basten' Seminar für Burowiztschaft in Aachen.