Carmen Blanco

Category: Essayist, feminist and Professor
Birth Date: 12th May 1954
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He has taken part in the movement for woman freedom since the late 70's and wrote the letter for the Galician hymn of the World Woman March (2000) 'Marchando máis alá', sung by Pilocha and set to music by 'Milladoiro'. After being successful in a public competition, she got a post as a teacher in Salamanca (Spanish Language and Literature) and A Coruña (Galician Language and Literature). Then she taught Galician Literature in the Teaching School and the Faculty of Humanities (Santiago University). Together with the poet Claudio Rodríguez Fer, he has been coordinating the magazine 'Unión libre. Cadernos de vida e culturas' since 1996 with the following monographs: 'Mujeres escritoras', 'Laberintos celtas', 'Literaturas integrales', 'Erotismos', 'Cantares' and 'Negritudes' ('Do Castro' Publications, Sada - A Coruña, 1996-2001).

 Work & Activities

She designed and illustrated the poetry books Tigres de ternura (1981), Historia da lúa (1984) and Vulva (1990) by Rodríguez Fer. She published poetry and translation under the pseudonym Emma Luaces. She wrote two books about Ricardo Carballo Calero, Conversas con Carballo Calero (Galaxia, Vigo, 1989) and Carballo Calero: política e cultura ('Do Castro' Publications, Sada - A Coruña, 1991) as well as several editions and publications about contemporary Galician literature. She made the edition of Códice Calixtino by Luz Pozo Garza (Xerais, Vigo, 1991) and the editions of Con pólvora e magnolias by Ferrín (Xerais, Vigo, 1990) and Os eidos by Novoneyra (Xerais, Vigo, 1990) in collaboration with Claudio Rodríguez Fer. She is an expert on woman literature and images of women in literature, contributing to the creation of genre literary studies in Galicia with the books Literatura galega da muller (Xerais, Vigo, 1991), Escritoras galegas (Compostela, Santiago, 1992), Libros de mulleres (?Do Cumio? Publications, Vigo, 1994) and Nais, damas, prostitutas e feirantas (Xerais, Vigo, 1995). She collabaoratd in the collective books Belleza escrita en femenino (Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, 1998), Mosaico Ibérico. Ensayos sobre poesía y diversidad (Júcar, Madrid, 1999) and Breve historia feminista de la literatura española (in Catalan, Galician and Basque) (Anthropos, Barcelona, 2000), with the articles "De Rosalía de Castro a Olga Novo: cuerpos, mentes, bellas y bestias", "Sexo y nación en Rosalía de Castro" and "La escritura matrilineal galaica: Luz Pozo Garza habla a Rosalía de Castro". As a thinker, she cared about the feminine world and the relations among power, society, art and culture in the essay books Mulleres e Independencia ('Do Castro' Publications, Vigo, 1995) and O contradiscurso das mulleres. Historia do proceso feminista (Nigra, Vigo, 1995).

 Other Interesting Aspects

She published articles and gave lectures all over Europe and America. O contradiscurso das mulleres was translated into Castilian as El contradiscurso de las mujeres. Historia del proceso feminista (Nigra, Vigo, 1997) and was considered as one of the most important seventeen books of Galician history in the work Galicia e a súa cultura e historia, published by the newspapers El Correo Gallego and O Correo Galego (Santiago de Compostela, 1997).