Arturo Casas

Birth Date: In February 1958
Birth Place: A Coruña
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“A descrición na obra narrativa de Carvalho Calero”.
“A semente aquecida da palabra”.
“Bibliografía sistemática de Teoría literaria”.
“Comentarios de textos populares e de masas”.
“Crítica Literaria”.
“Dereito Natural”.
“Futurario 2011 (Aforismos neopoéticos in modo antico)”.
“Momentum. Circungrafía”.
“Negra sombra. Intervención poética contra a marea negra (obra colectiva)”.
“Pedra de Nadir”.
“Rafael Dieste e a súa obra literaria en galego”.
“Sombra de unidade. Elexía e canon”.
“Ultimidades poéticas”.

 Work & Activities

He studied Mathematics (1975-1978) and Philology (1978-1983) and worked as a teacher of Secondary Education from 1983 to 1988. He is a Professor of Literature Theory and Compared Literature at the University of Santiago de Compostela. He was an invited Professor at the Université de Bourgogne and the City University of New Cork and gave lectures in many European and American universities.
All his publications can be found in a personal web page of the University of Santiago de Compostela. He made research works about the work of Rafael Dieste and and his cultural and political activity, the contemporary aesthetic-literary thought, the poem theory, critic acts, systemic studies, the methodology of literary History and poetry of the 20th century, attending mainly to Galician poetry from 1916 to 1936 and from 1976 on.
He published three poetry books during the 90’s: ‘Sombra de unidade’ (1990), ‘Pedra de Nadir’ (1995) and ‘Momentum. Circungrafía’ (1997). He also wrote “Dereito Natural” (2001), a short aphoristic work and some stories. He also collaborated in translations of Estonian, Irish and Italian poetry.