-Degree and doctor’s degree in Law at the Autonomous University of Madrid.
-Expert on voluntary jurisdiction, arbitration, administrative law and Roman fiscal law. In 1983, when he was 29, he became a Professor of Roman Law at the University of Cádiz and at the Autonomous University of Madrid in 1991.
He was speaker in the Congress to give legal advice for the Voluntary Jurisdiction Bill (2007), member of the General Comission of Codification in the reports of Voluntary Jurisdiction in 2002-2005 and 2012 and adviser of Iustel and Dykinson publishing houses.
He was editor of ‘Revista General de Derecho Romano’ (Iustel) and ‘Colección de Monografías de Derecho Romano’ (Dykinson), member of ‘Revista Galega de Administración Pública, REGAP’ and the magazine of the Faculty of Law (University of A Coruña) He has published fifteen books and two hundred articles related to Roman Law, Procedural Law and Civil Law. He has directed fourteen doctoral theses.
He holds Castelao Medal (2011), awarded by the Xunta de Galicia because of his teaching and research activity.
He is a member of the Galician Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation. He was elected in 2013 to fill the vacancy of the medal number 33 of this institution. In 2013, he was nominated Doctor Honoris Causa at the University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria).