Doctor’s degree in Philosophy and Arts (Romance Philology). Degree in Philosophy and Arts (Romance Philology - Spanish). Degree in Hispanic Philology (Galician-Portuguese). Professor of Language and Literature Didactics at the University School of Primary Education (University of Santiago de Compostela). Positions: Ex-director of Language Didactics and Literature Department of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
PUBLISHED BOOKS: -“Luís Pimentel. Obra inédita o no recompilada”, Lugo County Council (1981). -“Armando Cotarelo Valledor. Teatro Histórico e Mariñeiro (Hóstia, Beiramar y Mourenza)”, edition, introduction and notes, Ediciós do Castro, A Coruña (1981; reprinted in 1984). -“O teatro de Xesús Rodríguez López. Estudo e textos”, by A. Herrero and A. Marco, Ediciós do Castro, A Coruña (1988). -“Sobre Luís Pimentel, Álvaro Cunqueiro e Carballo Calero. Apontamentos de Filoloxia, Crítica e Didáctica da Literatura”, Ediciós do Castro, A Coruña (1994). -“Estudos sobre Emilia Pardo Bazán e recompilación de dispersos”, Lugo County Council, 2004 (2005: Edition in: www. -“Unha cidade e un poeta (Lugo e Luís Pimentel)”, Lugo County Council, Lugo (2007). She is also the author of several monographs, chapters of collective books about language, literature and didactics, and studies and essays in magazines, such as ‘Grial’, ‘Lenguaje y textos’, ‘O Ensino’, ‘Agália’, ‘A trabe de ouro’, ‘Revista Galega de Teatro’, ‘Casahamalet’, ‘Nós. Revista de lusofonía’, ‘Turia’, etc... She also wrote articles for El Correo Gallego and El Progreso.
She gave lectures in different universities and national and foreign meetings. She participated in different conferences, simposia and national and international seminars. She was also on the advisory board, scientific committee and editorial staff of different Spanish magazines. She was also on the panel of several linguistic and literary research prizes and is on the board of directors of different Spanish associations.