Antonio Rigueiro Rodríguez

Pseudonym: Carballo
Category: Forestry expert, professor and writer
Birth Date: 12th November 1951
Birth Place: Lugo
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He took a doctor's degree as Forestry expert in 1980. From 1980 to 1986, he carried out forestry research works at the Forest Centre in Lourizán (Pontevedra). During the period 1986-1988, he was the head of the service of Economic Planification within the 'Consellería de Economía e Facenda' of the Xunta de Galicia. From 1988 to 1993, he was a Professor at the Agricultural College in Lugo. During the period 1989-1990, he filled the office of 'subdirector xeral de Universidades e Investigación' in the Consellería de Educación' of the Xunta de Galicia. From 1990 to 1993, he directed the Agricultural College in Lugo. He has been a Professor at Santiago University since 1993. He directed the Polytechnical School from 1997 to 2000.

 Work & Activities

He published the following books: Trabajo botánico sobre las Islas Cíes. Icona, 1976; Catálogo florístico del Macizo de Grazalema (Cádiz), Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes, Madrid, 1978; Efectos ecológicos de eucalyptus globulus, Inia, Madrid, 1985; Guía das árbores e bosques de Galicia, Galaxia, Vigo, 1992; El bosque atlántico español, Lunwerg editores, Barcelona, 1992; Guía das plantas medicinais de Galicia, Galaxia, Vigo, 1996; Guía botánica do parque de Rosalía de Castro (Lugo), County Council ofLugo, 1998; Los caminos jacobeos en Galicia: Paisajes, Lunwer editores, Barcelona, 1999.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He carried out research works on forest Botany, weeds, medicine plants and Mycology.