Jorge Mira Pérez

Category: Professor, researcher and science broadcaster
Birth Date: 30th October 1968
Birth Place: Baio (A Coruña)
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Degree in Physics at the University of Santiago de Compostela (1991) and Ph.D. in 1995. He is currently a Full Professor of Electromagnetism at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

 Work & Activities

His research activity focuses on the fields of magnetism and dielectricity in solids, nanotechnology, medical imaging, mathematical physics and the dynamics of social systems. In these topics he has published over 140 articles in international journals (3 of them with the Nobel Prize winner John B. Goodenough).

He is also the author of two science communication books, translator and coordinator of the translation of books of Hawking and Einstein to galician, and coordinator of other collective books.

He has also been a science broadcaster in several programs on TVE-Galicia, Radio Galega, Onda Regional Murcia, Radio Clásica - Radio Nacional de España, Television de Galicia and the newspaper La Voz de Galicia, where he is a scientific columnist. Besides this, in 2006 he set up the "Program ConCiencia", a science broadcasting activity based on the visits to Galicia of winners of the Nobel Prize or equivalent awards in mathematics and computer science. Under this program he also organizes the Fonseca Prize of science communication.

Featured on the cover of the tenth anniversary commemorative issue of the "Next Wave" section of the journal Science, for combining the activity of university professor and science communicator (2005).

In 2018 he was appointed by the Government of Spain as a member of the comission of experts for the reform of the official time of the country.

 Other Interesting Aspects

Outstanding Ph. D. award.

Finalist of the Young Spanish Physicist Prize of the Royal Spanish Society of Physics (1999).

Research Prize of the Province Council of Pontevedra (2001).

Prize of the Royal Galician Academy of Sciences (2002).

Prize of the Spanish Professional Association of Physicists (2010).

XXXIV Prize of the Galician Critics - scientific research (2011).

Honorary Mention - Prize of research of the Royal Galician Academy of Sciences (2011).

Galician Medal of Research - area of mathematics, physics and computer science (2022).


Prizes of science communication:

'Física en Acción' Prize of the Royal Spanish Society of Physics (2000).

Honorary Mention of the 'Ciutat de les artes i de les ciencies' de Valencia Prize (2001).

National Prize 'Ciencia en Acción' of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education and the EiroForum (2005).

Honorary Medal 'Ciencia en Acción' (2010).

Prize "José María Savirón" of science communication (2011).

Prize of the Royal Spanish Society of Physics - category of education and communication of physics (2012).

National Prize 'Ciencia en Acción' - modality didactics of science (2017)

Special jury award - XXX Prismas Casa de las Ciencias a la divulgación (2017)

XL Prize of the Galician Critics - cultural and scientific initiatives (2017).

XXII National Prize of the Spanish Universitary Editors - Digital and multimedia edition (2019).

I Prize of science communication - Royal Galician Academy of Sciences and Xunta de Galicia (2020).

XXII National Prize "Ciencia en Acción" - Modality of science communication (2021).

Prize of the Galician Culture of the Xunta de Galicia (2022).

Prize of the Confederation of Scientific Societies of Spain for the dissemination of science (2023).


Head of the Applied Physics Department of the University of Santiago de Compostela (2006-2014)

Collaborator of the Secretaría General de Política Científica y Tecnológica - Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, for the creation and start up of the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory - INL of Braga, Portugal (2006-2007)

Head of the collection of popularization of science of the University of Santiago de Compostela publishing house (2012-)

Member of the editorial board of the Revista Española de Física (Royal Spanish Society of Physics) (2012-2018)

Co-founder and coordinator of the node of the "Nerd Nite" ( at Santiago de Compostela (the first one in Spain) (2012-).

Corresponding Academician of the Real Academia Galega (elected in 2016).

Plenary councillor of the Consello da Cultra Galega (elected in 2024).

Chairman of the ethics committee of the Spanish Professional Association of Physicists (2021-).

Head and spokesman of the 'Comisión Labarta Pose para o Día das Letras Galegas'. Member and entrance test supervisor of Mensa in Galicia. He was a representative of the Galician Chess Federation and head of the sports association 'Su a Agra'.

As far as sports is concerned, he was a chess player in the Galician First Division and he obtained some regional and local medals in sport dancing, fencing, taekwondo and swimming.