He studied Economy at the University of Santiago de Compostela. In 2002, he worked at Santa Lucía Marketing Department and a year later he was appointed manager of the Centre for Social Resources of the Institute of Community Development in Cee. In 2004, he came back to Compostela as service manager of Nortempo and at the end of that year he became project technical responsible of Grupo Clave Consultores. In 2005, he worked for Isonor Quality in the organization of the 10th edition of Businessman of the Year Award (AJE – Pontevedra). That same year he became coordinator of the Consellería de Emigración of the Xunta de Galicia (jefe de fila) of CIDADE +, an European programme within the frame of INTERREG IIIA community initiative. In 2006, he founded and directed Urroba Galicia S.L., the spin-off communication consultancy firm of the USC. In 2007, he founded and directed Enxeño Galicia S.L. (integral communication consultancy firm). In 2008, he worked as free-lance for INCYDE Foundation of Spanish Comerse Chambers as marketing consultant. Nowadays he is the president of Enxeño Galicia S.L.
He wrote several books and articles: “Socioeconomía de la inmunodepresión”, “Un día en Eurolandia”, “De la inteligencia a la estupidez, entre pérdidas y ganancias” and “Sinte Galicia”.
He was invited as a rapporteur on several occasions in the Faculties of Economy and commerce chambers.