Antón Alonso Ríos

Pseudonym: Siñor Afranio
Category: Politician, writer and teacher
Birth Date: 15th August 1887 (†1980)
Birth Place: Silleda (Pontevedra)

He studied Teaching in Santiago. In 1980, he arrived in Buenos Aires and worked as a teacher in Mendoza. He was one of the founders of the Federation of the Galician Agrarian and Cultural Societies. When the Second Republic was proclaimed, he was sent to Spain and worked as a teacher in Tomiño. In 1936, he was elected as deputy by the Agrarian Federation in Pontevedra. As the revolt started, he went into the mountains willing to resist and he adopted the name 'Afranio de Amaral'. After many incidents, he got the documents to enter Portugal in 1938, going aboard to Argentina in 1939, where he became a trade commission agent and took an interest in the resistance to Franco's dictatorship. He was a member of the 'Consello de Galiza', first as secretary and then, after Castelao's death, as president until he died.

 Work & Activities

He wrote the following books: Amor, arte y misticismo; Nidia; O siñor Afranio, ou como me rispei das gadoupas da morte; Co pensamento na patria galega; Da Saudade and A cultura galega na súa dimensión.