Andrés María Solla y García

Category: Dominican monk
Birth Date: 30th November 1810 (†28th September 1889)
Birth Place: Augas Santas - Cotobade (Pontevedra)

He entered the Dominican convent of Lugo in 1828. He studied Literature in Valladolid and was ordained as a priest in Madrid. He promoted the foundation of the convent of Padrón (A Coruña) in 1870 and the restoration of St Esteban Convent in Salamanca.

 Work & Activities

These are some of his most important publications: Vida y novena del glorioso apóstol San Andrés (1862), Importancia de la devoción del Santísimo Rosario y modo de rezarlo bien y con fruto (1865), De Stato Religioso ac de necesaria Ordinum Religiosorum regiminis untate, Theses Selectae (1869), Resumen histórico del Santuario de Nuestra Señora de la Vega, Patrona de Salamanca y su tierra (1885), etc. Besides, he left unpublished Novena al glorioso mártir San Mamed and Reseña histórica de la fundación de este Convento de Carmelo de Padrón y cómo pasó la Orden de Santo Domingo.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He was nominated as a consultant theologian in the First Vatican Council.