He attended courses on performance with Ernesto Caballero, Paco Pino, Philippe Gaulier, Antonio Fava, Erik de Bont, Fabio Mangolini and John Wright. He founded two theatre companies: ‘Ollomol-teatro submarino’ and ‘Ollomoltranvía’.
He participated as an actor in the following plays: ‘Mozart e Salieri’ by A. Pushkin and ‘Nosferatu’ by Manuel Lourenzo with the Galician Dramatic School (1987), ‘Otro Mundo’ by Manuel Lourenzo with the company ‘Norberto di Giorno’ (1988), ‘Nun país tan lonxano’ by E. Losada with ‘Falcatrua’ (1988), ‘Espectros’ by Otero Pedrayo with the Galician Dramtic Centre (1988) and ‘A Comedia do Gurgullo’ by Plauto (2003), ‘Un soño de verán’ by W. Shakespeare and ‘Don Hamlet’ by A. Cunqueiro (1992), ‘Moleques’ by M. Orsi with ‘Ollomol Teatro Submarino’ (1989) and ‘Fas e Nefas’ by E. Blanco Amor (1991), ‘Rei Lear’ by W. Shakespeare with ‘Produccións do Noroeste’ (1990) and ‘Mahagonny’ by B. Brecht (1998), ‘Commedia’ by C. Goldoni with ‘Ollomoltranvía’ (1993), ‘Raíñas de Pedra’ (1994) and ‘O Rei Nú’(1996) by C. Pazó, ‘Escola de Bufóns’ by M. de Ghelderode (1997), ‘Qui Pro Quo’ by E. Calvo and others (1998), ‘Ñiki-Ñaque’ by C. Pazó (2000) and ‘Policía’ by Mrozeck (2001), ‘Tres Notas’ by J. Prieto with ‘Bucanero’ (2002), ‘Monólogo do imbécil’ by J. Prieto (2002) and ‘Pervertimento’ by Sanchis Sinisterra with ‘Teatro do Atlántico’ (2002).
As a playwright, he wrote, in collaboration with other writers, ‘Qui Pro Quo’ (‘Ollomoltranvía’, 1998) and ‘Os Palleiros’ (‘Caroza Teatro’).
Besides, he directed ‘O Bosque animado’ by W. Fernández Flórez with ‘Teatro Buratini’ (1999), ‘O Pazo de Papel’ by W. Fernández Flórez with ‘Teatro Buratini’ (2000), ‘Os Palleiros’ by J. Prieto with ‘Caroza Teatro’ (1999), ‘Os Carros do Camiño’ by Rafa Rodríguez with ‘General Producciones y Diseño’ (1999) and ‘Terra Mítica’ Entertainment by Rafa Rodríguez with ‘General Producciones y Diseño’ (2000), ‘Ruada’ (entertainment for the firm R) by Santi Prego with ‘Trebellar’ (2000), ‘Jansel e Pónsel’ by J. Prieto con ‘Bucanero’ (2001) and ‘Tres Notas’ by J. Prieto with ‘Bucanero’ (2002).
FILMS: ‘Martes de Carnaval’ by P. Carvajal and F. Bauluz (1990), ‘Baile de Animas’ by Pedro Carvajal and ‘A metade da vida’ by Raúl Veiga (1994), ‘Sé quién eres’ by Patricia Ferreira and ‘Lena’ by Gonzalo Tapia, ‘El Alquimista Impaciente’ by Patricia Ferreira (2001), ‘El lápiz del Carpintero’ by Antón Reixa and ‘Ilegal’ by Ignacio Vilar (2002), ‘Ojos que no ven’ by Pancho Lombardi (2003) and ‘La vida que te espera’ by Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón and ‘Para que no me olvides’ by Patricia Ferreira (2004).
TV MOVIES: ‘Entre Bateas’ by Jorge Coira (2001), ‘Secuestrados en Georgia’ by Gustavo Balza (2002) and ‘Autopsia’ by Milagros Bará, ‘Cota Roja’ by Jordi Frade and ‘La Rosa de Alejandría’ by Rafael Monleón (2003).
SHORTS: ‘Manoel Antonio’ by J.A.Jiménez (1978), ‘Décimo Aniversario’ by Alber Ponte (1998), ‘El Río tiene Manos’ by Beatriz del Monte (2000) and ‘Baseado en feitos que puideron ter acontecido’ by Ozo Porteiro, ‘Redondeo’ by Pablo Iglesias and ‘El Artista’ by Mario Iglesias (2004).
VIDEO (shorts): ‘Procedimiento A-3’ by Pedro M. Presedo (1988), ‘Aldán e Elva’ by Carlos A. López Piñeiro (1991), ‘A Ruta dos muíños’, (Image and Sound School, 1999) and ‘Jalisco’ by Jorge Valcárcel (2002).
TELEVISION - SERIALS: ‘Pratos Combinados’ (1995), ‘Galicia Express’ (2000), ‘A Familia Pita’ (1997), ‘Mareas Vivas’ (1998), ‘Terras de Miranda’ (Teleserie) (2001), ‘Rías Baixas’ (Teleserie) (2002-04), ‘Compañeros’ (2002), ‘Hospital Central’ (2002) and ‘ La sopa boba’ (2004).
TELEVISIÓN: ‘Superamigos’ (for children) (1999), ‘Apaga a lus’ (oral fiction) (2001), ‘Saúde, diñeiro e humor’ (sketch) (2000), ‘O Rei da Comedia’ (sketch) (2003) and ‘Galegos no espacio exterior’ (sketches) (2004).
He was awarded the prize to the best actor in short festivals of Alcalá de Henares (2001) and Zaragoza (2001). He also collaborated as a storyteller and oral narrator in the programme ‘Apaga a lus’, at the University of Santiago de Compostela in the courses on Spanish as a foreign language (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003), at Warsaw and Cracovia Universities – Poland (2002) and Braga - Portugal (2003), IN ‘Radio Gallega’ and as a storyteller for children and storyteller in pubs. www.santiprego.com