Abel Fermín Losada Álvarez

Category: Professor and economist
Birth Date: 2nd June 1964
Birth Place: Ourense
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He took a doctor's degree in Economy at Santiago de Compostela University and is a Professor of History and Economical Institutions in the Faculty of Economical and Business Sciences at Vigo University. Since the year 2000, he has been a member of the national executive commission of the political party 'PSdeG-PSOE'. He was deputy in the Galician Parliament from June 2005 to April 2008, councillor in the City Council of Vigo from November 2006 to May 2007 and director general of the cabinet for the president of the Xunta de Galicia from April 2008 to January 2009.

 Work & Activities

As an expert on Business History, Demography and Population Economy, he has published the monographs As relacións económicas entre Galicia e os países de destino da emigración (1995), Cuba. Población y economía entre la independencia y la revolución (1999), Galicia-América. Unha contribución bibliográfica (1992) and Base bibliográfica da emigración galega (1997) and collaborated in the collective works Los 100 empresarios españoles del siglo XX (2000) and Grandes empresas. Grandes historias de Galicia (2000). His works have been published in several national and international magazines such as 'Revista de Historia Económica' (1989), 'Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos' (1992), 'Cuban Studies' (1995), 'Estudios Migratorios' (1995, 1997), 'Boletín de la Asociación de Demografía Histórica' (1997, 1999), 'Estudos Ibero-Americanos' (1998, 2000), 'Historia Contemporánea' (1999) and 'Cahiers de Demographie Historique' (2000).. He has participated in many national and international conferences at Spanish and foreign Universities in Sweden, France, Italy, Poland, USA, Mexico, Argentina and Cuba.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He is a member of the board of directors of the Association of Historical Demography, editor of the magazine 'Migratio. Revista de Población y Migraciones', member of the Scientific Council of Migratory Studies and the advisory board of the bulletin of the Association of Historical Demography. He also fills the office of assistant manager of the Centre of Population Studies and Migration Analysis. He has collaborated in the 'Consello da Cultura Galega' and edited the magazine 'Estudios Migratorios' (1995-99). He has taken part in many research projects, financed by public and private institutions (Ministry of Education, Xunta de Galicia, 'Consello da Cultura Galega', Pro-Vigo Foundation and 'Caixa Galicia' Foundation). He has been a part of the technical team of the bulletin of the Social and Economical Observatory of Vigo (1995-99). He collaborated in the report 'Dinámica Social', in the project 'Galicia 2010' and participated in the report 'Os galegos do século XXI' ('Foro Iniciativas 21'). He co-ordinated the MA Pobación y Migraciones.