Xosé Velo Mosquera

Category: Politician and writer
Birth Date: 21st May 1916 (†† 21st May 1972)
Birth Place: Celanova (Ourense)

He studied Philosophy and Arts and Medicine (only for two years) at Santiago de Compostela University. He took an active part in the movement 'Federación de Mocedades Galeguistas', being elected general secretary in the second assembly of the federation (1935), sharing the management activities with Celso Emilio Ferreiro. When the Civil War was over, he carried out his political activity in secrecy in Vigo, where he opened a school and taught Mathematics. In 1944, he was arrested. After leaving prison, he hid in Celanova (Ourense) for a year and a half. In 1947, he travelled to Portugal, where he was also arrested, although he was not extradited to Spain because of the international pressures. The president of Venezuela gave him an emergency passport. In 1948, he took up again his teaching activity in Caracas and directed 'Orto' School. He went on with an intense political, cultural and associative activity. He participated in 'Galeuzca', he was the president of the association 'Lar Galego', collaborated in radio programmes, etc. At the beginning of 1961, he travelled to Brazil into exile, after planning the hijacking of 'Santa María' liner. In 1964, he opened the library 'Nós' in Sao Paulo, which later on turned into 'Galicia Ceibe' publishing house. He also founded and edited the magazine 'Paraíso 7 días' (five numbers came out).

 Work & Activities

As a writer, he published poems and articles in several magazines and collaborated in Cartafol de Poesía with Celso Emilio Ferreiro.