Xosé Vázquez Castro

Category: Painter
Birth Date: In 1951
Birth Place: Ferrol (A Coruña)
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He is an autodidact and started drawing and painting with Vázquez Doce, his father. He first exhibited his painting when he was eighteen in A Coruña. In his first stage, he painted oil and watercolour, exhibiting his works in the fourth Galician cities. In 1974, he carried out an exhibition in Santiago de Compostela (Hostal de los Reyes Católicos). In 1979, he moved to Madrid and exhibited his watercolour paintings at Bercowitsch Gallery. During this stage, he studied scenography with Santiago Doria (Argentinian director and actor) and with Jaime Salón (playwright). He was selected to attend a course on painting nude at San Fernando Faculty of Art at the same time he was preparing an exhibition for Torques Gallery (Santiago de Compostela), where he met Laxeiro, who bought one of his exhibited works. In 1981, he established himself in Ferrol, where he prepared the exhibition for El Brocense (Cáceres). In 1982, he travelled to Venezuela and was invited to exhibit his works at the gallery of the Spanish Embassy. That same year, he prepared the exhibitions for Arboreda Gallery (Ferrol) and Rúa Nova Gallery (Lugo). In 1983, Citania Gallery (Santiago de Compostela) published ‘Cuatro Acuarelas’, a folder containing his original paintings and texts by Ramón Otero Pedrayo and Salvador Lorenzana as well as poems by Pero Meogo, Rosalía de Castro, Eduardo Blanco Amor, Álvaro Cunqueiro and Manuel Curros Enríquez. In 1984, Ítaca Theatre Company (Santiago de Compostela) asked him for the scenography of ‘Eclipse Total’ by Christopher Hampton. That same year (2-12 August), the Consellería de Cultura - Xunta de Galicia invited him to represent Galicia at the XIV Interceltique Festival in Lorient (France), together with Lomarti, Xulio Maside, Morquecho and Ignacio Basallo.

 Work & Activities

In 1985, he exhibited his works at Valle Inclán Museum (Pobra do Caramiñal) and Finisterre Hotel (A Coruña). In 1988, he exhibited his big-size watercolour paintings at Durán Loriga Gallery, organized by A Coruña City Council. That same year he was invited to ‘Entre Nós’ (a programme on Galician TV), where he painted a mural. In 1989, he exhibited his oil and watercolour paintings in Ferrol (Bello Piñeiro Museum and the Casino). In 1988, he published ‘Lembranzas’, an engraving folder with poems by Rosalía de Castro and Alicia Taboada, prologued by Mercedes Rozas. Regarding oil painting, he also painted ‘Maternidades’, ‘Peixeiras’, ‘Panadeiras’ and lots of characters, almost all feminine characters, reflecting costumbrist painting. In 2000, he participated in ‘Tres Xeracións’, an exhibition for a posthumous homage of Ferrol City Council to his father, Vázquez Doce. He exhibited his work at José Lorenzo Gallery in Santiago de Compostela. One year later, he did the scenography of ‘A Pousada de Petra Cotón’ and ‘Vázquez Castro’ (catalogue-book) is published. Together with other artists, he founded the Association of Galician Artists (ARGA) in 2002 in Santiago de Compostela, being elected president. In 2003, he participated in the Art Fairs organized by Santiago, A Coruña, Pontevedra, Vigo and Baiona City Councils. In December, he exhibited his works at the gallery of the Association of Galician Artists and at ‘Alameda’ Gallery (Vigo) in 2004. In 2005, he participated in the homage to Antonio Machín at ‘Auriol-Arte’ Gallery (Santiago de Compostela).

 Other Interesting Aspects

His work can be found in different collections and museums: Xunta de Galicia, Fundación Semana Verde de Galicia, Caixa Nova Collection, El Correo Gallego, Casa de Galicia in Córdoba, Carlos Maside Museum, Círculo de las Artes (Lugo), A Coruña City Council, Ran Xeros - Caracas (Venezuela), Spanish Embassy in Caracas, ‘Hermandad Gallega de Caracas’, Valle Inclán Museum (Pobra do Caramiñal), Sodiga (Santiago de Compostela), Museo de las Peregrinaciones (Santiago de Compostela), Casino (Vilagarcía de Arousa - Pontevedra), Casino (Ferrol), Caja de Ahorros (Ferrol), El Brocense (Cáceres) and Oya Monatery (Pontevedra).